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For a complete overview of camera support in Photoshop and Lightroom, visit the following article:
Why doesn't my version of Photoshop or Lightroom support my camera?
- Make sure your version of Photoshop or Lightroom is updated for the latest camera support.
- If you own an older version of Photoshop or Lightroom, Adobe provides backward compatibility for the latest cameras through the FREE Adobe DNG Converter.
Note: ETAs for specific cameras are not available.
1 Correct answer
No one can say (except for some Adobe employees, who are not allowed to say). You should check the list here each time Adobe updates the Lighroom Classic software.
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Thanks but it does not have the Camera Matching Profile shown in the list as it does for the Olympus cameras.
However when I open in LR 11.2 or ACR 14.2 it does show camera profile.
I assume like test for the C19 this must be a false positive.
This is reason for my original question. Hope I have made my question clear.
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Thanks but it does not have the Camera Matching Profile shown in the list as it does for the Olympus cameras.
By AikenMooney
” Support for a particular flavor of a camera’s raw file does not necessarily mean that there will be Camera Matching profiles for that camera at the time of raw file support. It is normal for Camera Matching profiles to follow raw support by one or two releases. In the case of some camera manufacturers or the event of major changes by a particular manufacturer, that time may be greatly increased.
Note: Not all cameras will ever receive a set of Camera Matching profiles. ”
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Thanks & I realize that. Have used PS before I started using LR in beta ver I for windows, I think in 2006. I do recall the Win beta was a few months after support for the Mac. I have used LR up thru 11.2.
In LR 11.2 I have 9 Camera Matching Profiles, 4 color & 5 monotone.
On previous cameras I would see Adobe profiles until camera was fully supported.
I have used this computer for processing Olympus M5 II, M1 Mk II, III & M1x.
I realize on the list of cameras the OM 1 is shown as not having Camera Profiles.
My question is why are they shown on my ver 11.2 in LR? Is this a "bug" in the program?
Hope you can clarify for me.
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"on the list of cameras the OM 1 is shown as not having Camera Profiles. My question is why are they shown on my ver 11.2 in LR? Is this a "bug" in the program?"
It's a bug in the Cameras Supported list. LR and ACR do indeed provide camera-matching profiles for that camera. I filed a bug report to fix the documentation:
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Thank you very much. I did think someone might have the answer.
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I noticed that OM-1 "camera matching profiles available" has been changed from NO in 11.2 to YES in 11.3, and wondered why this information can be found on the US site, but not on German or Japan Camera RAW pages which still say NO. So it seems the documentation bug has not been fixed everywhere.
Does "camera matching profiles available" also mean that OM-1 camera support in Lightroom has been completed, or is there still work (fine-tuning etc) going on?
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"Does "camera matching profiles available" also mean that OM-1 camera support in Lightroom has been completed, or is there still work (fine-tuning etc) going on?"
In general, all cameras on the supported-cameras list have "completed" support and don't have remaining work to do. In a few cases, there are exceptions that will be indicated with footnotes. For example, see the Phase One IQ3 100MP.
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Cant buld previews or import CR3 files from SD card (SanDisk extreme)
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The Canon R5C is a very new camera and lightroom still doesnb't support these cam.
You have to wait of one of the next updates of Lightroom.
In the meantime you can convert the CR3 files into DNG with the Canon tool and then you can import the DNGs into Lightroom.
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We are eagerly waiting for full DJI Mavic 3 DNG raw file support, so including the Adobe profiles. Is that alerady in the backlog?
Thanks, Oliver
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Oliver48268 wrote:
We are eagerly waiting for full DJI Mavic 3 DNG raw file support, so including the Adobe profiles. Is that alerady in the backlog?
Thanks, Oliver
Until public release: Those who know don’t talk. Those who talk don't know.
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For EOS R5 C users.
I've resolved this issue by modifying metadata in RAW(CR3) files.
To import RAW files genelated by R5C to Lightroom Classic , We have to rewrite model name "R5 C" to "R5" via using suchu as a ExifTool.
It looks working well but you should pay attention for Terms of use by Canon about thier cameras.
In my opinion , it is no problem that rewriting metadeta in RAW files. Please use at your own risk.
I'm using this tool.
Like this.
exiftool -model="Canon EOS R5" ./*.CR3
There seem to be other GUI Exif apps in Apple/MS store.
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"We have to rewrite model name "R5 C" to "R5" via using suchu as a ExifTool."
Beware that Canon may well have changed the image firmware in the R5 C, so telling LR / ACR to use the R5 camera profile with R5 C images may not give intended results (we don't know). Manufacturers often change the firmware when releasing new cameras based on older hardware, which is why Adobe always produces new camera profiles.
If this works well for you, great, but others should be aware of the risks.
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I also agree with the risks you presented.
妹尾 忍(せのお しのぶ)
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I am trying to import photos from the Canon EOS R5 C but it is saying an error has occurred or the files have been corrupted. When will Lightroom support the Canon EOS R5 C and also for Adobe Premiere Pro on an Apple M1 Computer?
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Are you sure that is the error message you see?
More likely the R5C is so new that Adobe have not yet added compatibility to LrC. The error message might say "not supported".
Only the EOS R5 is currently listed as supported-
Until support is provided (usually in a month or two after camera release) by Adobe you will need to use Canon' DPP to edit the CR3 files.
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It's a shame that Canon and Adobe can't work together to make sure that there is a software update to support the new camera on the release date of the camera. Canon annouced the R5 C on Jan. 19, 2022 and released to the public on April 4, 2022. Canon supplied professionals and the media with preproductions versions of the camera nearly 2 months ago. So I don't see why it needs to take another month or two for Adobe to get there software to be compatible.
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carlstamey wrote:
Canon supplied professionals and the media with preproductions versions of the camera nearly 2 months ago. So I don't see why it needs to take another month or two for Adobe to get there software to be compatible.
Canon doesn't provide third party companies like Adobe with the specifications for their camera raw format, so Adobe engineers need to wait for the camera to be released to create support for the file format. This requires the Adobe team to reverse-engineer the camera raw files on their own. I can easily see where that kind of effort, combined with testing, could take several months.
As you said, it is a shame they don't work together, but that is Canon's decision. I'm sure Adobe engineers would love to have the details and make their job easier.
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and also for Adobe Premiere Pro on an Apple M1 Computer?
Can you explain on what you mean or re-phrase the question?
Premiere Pro already runs natively on the Apple M1 chip.
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When will Premiere Pro support the new Canon EOS R5 C 8k raw on an Apple M1 Computer?
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carlstamey wrote:
When will Premiere Pro support the new Canon EOS R5 C 8k raw on an Apple M1 Computer?
Adobe does not announce such things in advance.
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When will Premiere Pro support the new Canon EOS R5 C 8k raw on an Apple M1 Computer?
By carlstamey
Those who know don’t talk. Those who talk don't know.
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The Canon EOS R5C is not yet supported. No doubt it will be in an update.
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Lightroom is not opening raw files from a Canon EOS R5 C. Will there be a update? Does Canon and Adobe work together to get files compatible before releasing the camera raw file?
Computer: Macbook Pro M1 Max