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Hi all,
After I installed photoshop and bridge on my new computer I'm trying to get my selection raw presets to work.
Where should I copy paste my old presets to?
I copyed them here: Windows: C:\Users\(Username)\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\Settings.
But in adobe raw it won't show them.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
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Hi Gregor,
We apologize for the issue you are facing while trying to import presets to Camera Raw.
Would you mind sharing the format of the presets that you have downloaded and moved to the location you mentioned?
You can try and import the presents again through the Camera Raw interface by selecting the Presents option and then right clicking anywhere in the Presets panel to select the option to import the presets.
You can also select the option to Show Partially Compatible Presets in the menu that comes up and check if that helps.
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Dear Nikunj,
Thanks for the reply.
The presets are presets that I was already using on my old computer. They are xmp files.
I can see them now when I click show partially compatible presets.
How can I copy them to my new computer hem have them fully working like before?
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Thanks nikunj.m ,
No, they always worked fine with my nikon d810 raw files. Only now I moved them to a new computer they don't anymore...
Very frustrating.
The weird thing is, they are only partially compatible with the rawfiles. they are "normal" for tiff files. I alsways use them the way they are meant to be used and that is with raw (nef) files.
They are older vsco presets. they came in two versions: one versions for Nikon raw files and one standard version for all raw files.
The so called standard presets are shown and working like on my old computer, only the ones for my nikon rawfiles are partially compatible...
What could it be?
Thanks for your time and effort.
Kind regards,
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