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I just installed the latest Adobe Raw Converter 14.4 .... I placed three raw files (.RW2) from my LumixG9 mirrorless camera in a folder, but when I select that folder, Raw Converter doesn't recognize that there are any raw files in that folder? I did rename the files from "_1014305" to "DavidF-4305" but otherwise I didn't change the file or it's extension.
Any ideas of what's going on?
1 Correct answer
The Aobe DNG Conerter 14.4 should work just fine on windows 11.
Often times it depends on how you select the folder, for example, depending on how you have your folder views/sidebar views set, you could get the "no items match your search" warning, however, the converter should still convert the files.
After you selected the folder with your Panasonic LUMIX G9 rw2, files did you actually run the dng converter?
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What is the exact name of the camera ("LumixG9 " isn't listed) I believe the camera you're referring to might be (need more clarity)?
Can you zip and upload one of the raws to something like Dropbox so we can try on our end to open or convert?
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The camera is a Panasonic LUMIX G9. I checked on the 'cameras suppored page and it says:
Camera: LUMIX DC-G9 | file type: RW2 | Raw Converter vers. 10.1 |
I gather from all of this that Raw Converter should recognize and convert this file type.
I'm being told that the file type (RW2) is not supported as a valid file to upload here.
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Yes, should be supported which is why now, we need to examine one of the raws that can't be opened.
You need to ZIP one and upload outside the forums using something like Dropbox.
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Here is a link to one of the RW2 raw files. Let me know if it works.
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Has to be something wrong on your end, your system as I have no issues opening that RW2 into ACR.
Try resetting the Camera Raw preferences:
Hold down the Command key and select Photoshop > Preferences > Camera Raw (macOS) or hold down the Ctrl key and select Edit > Preferences > Camera Raw (Windows).
Click Yes in the dialog that asks "Delete the Camera Raw Preferences?"
See also:
What OS?
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What might be wrong? Do you have any ideas? Maybe I need to try re-installing the app?
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Going back the Adobe raw converter page, it says about the latest version:
"Windows 10 64-bit (version 1909) or later; LTSC versions are not supported"
I am running Windows 11 Home.
Is it possible this is the issue, and if so, is there anything I can do to - any sort of workaround?
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Being a Mac guy, I'm not able to say but doesn't seem likely.
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Going back the Adobe raw converter page, it says about the latest version:
"Windows 10 64-bit (version 1909) or later; LTSC versions are not supported"
I am running Windows 11 Home.
Is it possible this is the issue, and if so, is there anything I can do to - any sort of workaround?
By david k
I assume that you mean Adobe DNG Converter.
Windows 11 is later than Windows 10, so it should install and run on Windows 11.
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You also said:
Try resetting the Camera Raw preferences: Ctrl key and select Edit > Preferences > Camera Raw (Windows).
Click Yes in the dialog that asks "Delete the Camera Raw Preferences?"
(Where would I be doing this? I'm not opening Photoshop at this point?)
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Open Photoshop first, yes, you must do so. Then select Photoshop > Preferences > Camera Raw (macOS) or hold down the Ctrl key and select Edit > Preferences > Camera Raw (Windows).
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Here's the issue. I'm running an older version of Photoshop on an older version of Windows.
I don't believe this older version can be updated to the new camera raw files, so I wanted to load the Digital File Converter to my new Surface Pro - running Win 11 - and convert the files I was into dng files, and then open them in my earlier version of PS.
So, since it seems the lastest Raw Converter is not compatable with my Win 11, is there any place I can downlaod and install an earlier version, that might be compatable with my Windows OS?
Or, another workaround - I also have a fairly recent version of PS Elements that I could install on my Win 11 machine and then see if I can do conversions there.
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The Aobe DNG Conerter 14.4 should work just fine on windows 11.
Often times it depends on how you select the folder, for example, depending on how you have your folder views/sidebar views set, you could get the "no items match your search" warning, however, the converter should still convert the files.
After you selected the folder with your Panasonic LUMIX G9 rw2, files did you actually run the dng converter?
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THANKS. The files were, in fact, being recognized by DNG Converter - and it converted them - but theh were just not showing up in the folder view. I'll mess with the different folder view settings - list, details, content, etc. to see if I can actually get them to show up.
Best, D.
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You'll never actually see the files inside the folder using the dng converter.
It is enough to just select the folder without opening to see the contents inside, which you won't see anyway using the dng converter.
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FYI, you CAN actually select individual files (instead of a whole folder) but it requires use of the command line.
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Hey there! I would like to ask how this embedding is done? However, the original raw file can also be embedded in the new DNG file format, so that the manufacturer's own metadata is not lost. Best regards, Hannu5E09
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I struggled for hours today trying to get both Adobe DNG Converter ande Helicon Focus to open my raw Panasonic RW2 files, trying everything suggested on Google, but then stumbled on my particular solution. Almost all of the web links emphasize to update your LR or PS to the latest version, but in my case the problem was that ADOBE DNG CONVERTER WAS AN OLDER VERSION and therefore didn't recognize my particular camera model. So the fix was to simply download the latest version of DNG Converter and once installed, voila, problem solved! Just always make sure that ALL of the APPS you are using are updated to the current version and many of these kind of problems will disappear. Good luck.