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Scrolling in the new version of Camera Raw is increadibly slow. Like PAINFULLY slow. I think I wouldn't find the new experience as painful if this little bug is fixed since the entire workflow revolves around scrolling through menus now. Hope this get fixed soon, we use this program everyday!
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Agreed! It's awful.
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IF you want help, then you need to be specific (FWIW, no issue scrolling on this end; MacOS, Catalina, latest build, GPU on etc). So do tell us more about your system, exactly when and where the scrolling occurs etc assuming you're posting here for help.
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I'm using a MacBook Air 2020, Catalina latest also. It might be a problem with my mouse, I use a Microsoft Comfort bluetooth mouse, the scrolling is nice when I use the trackpad. But with my mouse's scroll wheel, RAW only moves like 1/4" at a time, on my 27" screen. My Microsoft mouse scrolls fine on everything else but for some reason on RAW it's very slow.
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MacOS Catalina, up to date, other specs not really important since I've been reproducing this on recent and older Macs (2012 up to 2019). Let me be clear, it's 3-4 times slower than it used to be in older versions of ACR (older versions of ACR were fine), and it's EVERY scrolling components in the software. The scrolling speed is fine in all my other softwares. My scrolling speed set in the system preferences for the mouse is in the middle between slow and fast. I'm using a Logitech M100.
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Same here, oainfully slow scrolling, latest updates installed, latest version of camera raw.
I really wonder how this bug can pas QoS control, it is absolutely visible.
Macbook Pro 2019.
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I'm having the same issue on my Mac mini, both in Catalina and (after the update) in Big Sur.
The mouse works perfect in all other software, but ACR is now simply unusable.
I'm looking at (and evaluating) alternative software solutions because of this.
I'm losing a lot of time because of this stupid bug.
The latest version of ACR has introduced other bugs related to the mouse handling as well. For instance when you select a slider, you can fine tune the settings with the keayboard (up and down arrows). This has always worked well, but recentlty when you move the mouse (even slightly), the arrow keys change context, so they switch into a selection of next/previous picture in the scroll bar. So this method is now faster for selecting pictures then using the painfully slow scroll wheel. However, my "automatisms" I've used for years no longer work, which is very frustrating.
Very poor quality control indeed!
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I'm a windows 10 PC, gamer processor.
Fully updated PS/LR CC apps
Using PS 2021 latest version.
When trying to SCROLL the COLOR PROFILES MENU, as soon as you drag the cursor to the bottom of the menu, and lift your cursor to scroll further down.....the menu instantly resets , zips back to the TOP OF THE COLOR PROFILE MENU. I cannot , as a result choose anything that exists below what is evident on face in the Color PRofile Menu without scrolling.
Keeping the cursor down on your mouse pad or wacom does not stop the menu from reverting with a speedy zip , to the top of the Color Profile Menu.
This cannot be a default pref, no one can work like this.
Also , cannot find the scores of LR presets that I was able to use in Camera Raw before the latest PS CC Update.
I can't even screen cap the phenom.
As soon as I let go of hte cursor, the scroll bar FLIES back up to the top. No matter how many folders of Profiles are clicked open, you can only ever see or choose the 4 that sit on top because the scroll bar does not adjust to where you have scrolled, it just snaps back to the top like a broken curtains.