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Unable to save raw conversion settings

New Here ,
Nov 29, 2016 Nov 29, 2016

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I know this has been posted already: I am opening a JPG file in ACR (9.7) and when I am Done, I get

"Unable to save the raw conversion settings.  There was an error parsing the file."

The most credible explanation is here:

Re: error parsing the file--Camera Raw

It mentions some potentially non-standard EXIF content which gives trouble to ACR (even though every other program I tried has no issues reading the EXIF content, as far as I can tell). In another post someone suggested that "Adobe is pretty strict about adhering to standards and not known for bending over backwards to try to recover if something's out of place.":

Re: Parsing problem in Camera Raw

The curious fact is that the JPG file has been produced by... Photoshop CS6 on a Mac (I am on a Windows box). Would that be the source of the problem? In any case it seems that if it is a problem of someone not following the standards, it is an internal Adobe problem....

I can send an example of a problematic JPG to someone at Adobe, if anyone there wants to investigate and possibly fix the issue.








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