Use of a mask causes slower behavior
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Good afternoon,
I always use Adobe Camera Raw to edit my photos, but when I use masks, Camera Raw is so slow that it is no longer usable.
For example, if I open 30 photos in ACR and edit them, it is really really very fast.
But if I use a mask even once, ACR becomes so extremely sluggish and slow that it can no longer be used.
I then have to close everything and then it works quickly again, until I use masks again.
It gets slow if I click on masking just once.
I have a Windows 11 PC with Intel I9 13900k processor - 64Gb RAM - NVIDIA RTX 4070
Who knows the solution?
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What kind of mask, with what settings? Please share an example of a raw and sidecar files so I can test this. What operations, specifically, get slow? How long do the slow operations take?
Are you sure GPU acceleration is enabled on your PC?
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GPU acceleration is enabled.
It doesn't matter what kind of mask or RAW file I open, as soon as I make even 1 simple mask (select sky/use brush), my entire computer slows down.
This is mainly because the "adobe" and "system" processes in Windows 11 suddenly use a lot of CPU.
So it really only happens when I go to the masking section in Adobe Camera Raw, if I don't go there everything works very fast and there is no high CPU consumption.
I don't dare to use masks now, because I have to restart my computer to be able to edit photos fast again.
(I am a full-time photographer and edit hundreds of photos per week)
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Good afternoon David,
We are now a number of Adobe updates later and the problem has still not gone away.
Every time I use a mask in Adobe Camera Raw, my entire computer becomes unworkably slow.
I just can't continue working with Camera Raw until I restart all Adobe programs.
But if I then use a simple mask again (select sky for example), everything becomes extremely sluggish again till i restart the program.
When I don't use masks in Camera Raw, everything works really fast, it's really because of the masks.
Every time I start editing I check for Garphic Card updates/Adobe updates, so I always work with the latest drivers.
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Hi @sanderb97552833,
Could you share a sample file or a video showing what you're experiencing? Does this issue occur only with Masking, or does it happen with other tools like Enhanced Details or Lens Blur?
If you haven't already, here are some standard troubleshooting steps you can try for slowdown issues: Please give them a shot and let us know if they help.
Thanks a lot!