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when i export my photos from light room 6 to a file on my desktop in jpg form to burn they are small and pixelated how can i export healthier photos to submit ?
i am at
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What were your export settings? Were there any resize options set? Did you have the quality settings reduced? You have full control over the export. If you don't resize and you don't reduce the quality you should get very good JPEG images. At least I do.
Incidentally, this is the Camera Raw forum. You're asking a question about Lightroom 6 and indicate that you are using Photoshop 5. Which program are you asking about, really?
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I finally got some 4-6 mb pics by burning to a cd. The next time I exported to a dig file. I would like to know how to find and copy or save the original raw photos in a file that I can file.
Jerry Toland
Sent from my iPhone
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I shot the pics raw and did color correct and adjust lighting.
Jerry Toland
Sent from my iPhone
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You still haven't provided enough information about the actual settings you used. There are a number of settings in the export dialog that help you control the quality of your exported images. You can control the size of your exported images, the number of pixels in each direction, the amount of compression in JPEG images, whether they are eight bit or 16 bit tiff files, whether they are tiff or PSD files, what color space they will be exported with, etc. And all of these different settings will have an impact on the quality of the exported image. If you choose the option to "Export as original" your images will be exported exactly as they were imported without any adjustments. There is a lot to control in exporting your images, so you should take time to consider what it is you want to accomplish as you set up your export options. Here is a short video tutorial you might want to watch that could provide you with some pointers on exporting:
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Thank you ,Thank you ,Thank you, best tutorial ever. Answered the problem with the export jpg but not the raw. Now I suspect that there is no corrected copy of the raw and that I have been looking for a unicorn. I assume that the only thing that has been corrected has been in the form of raw to jpg. I wish I had found the tutorial a week ago. I'm not the young hot shot I used to be and a lot of cobwebs have formed since the conversion of film to digital. Maybe I should have stayed in retirement but most of this is still to much fun.. Thank you once again. Is this an adobe clip and do I have access to it.?
Jerry Toland
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I normally don't worry about giving others a copy of my raw image. They usually just want to see a finished version, and that's usually an exported JPEG that includes all of the adjustments that I have done. But then I don't know everything that you are trying to do. I'll give you a couple of links to other tutorials by Julieanne and others that you might find helpful. There are a lot of them, and some of them may not be relevant to what you need to know. But you might consider bookmarking these links for future reference.
Lightroom Training Videos « Julieanne Kost's Blog