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I have just bought a Sony A7RIII but can't use the adobe APS to work on bridge og lightroom, when do we get an update? the update is now available on On1 and on Capture one 10.@ !
10.1 is ready to rock. A7R3 raw is supported now.
Thank you ! Thank you !
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Adobe never makes such announcements in advance. But if I were a guessing person, I would guess that there would be a new version of Camera Raw and Lightroom (probably not relevant to you) available with updated camera support sometime within the next couple of months. Perhaps sooner. Anyone who guesses is only guessing. Anyone who knows has signed nondisclosure agreements restricting them from saying. So you know which category I'm in.
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Hi Jim Hess.
Thanks for you answer.
This does not help me.
I can’t waith a couple of months to get an update, that right now is available at One1 and at Capture One 10.
I’m a professional stills photographer that works on danish and international films and need to raw convert my files from Sony A7RIII.
I love adobe’s software, but if adobe will wait a couple of mont with the update, means that have to use on of the above mentioned softwares.
Best regards from
Rolf Konow
Rolf Konow Stillphotography
Ny Vestergade 7A
1471 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 40 11 56 56<><>
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I am just a user of Adobe software, I have no connection whatsoever with the company. An update to Camera Raw could come tomorrow, next week, or next month. As I indicated previously, those announcements never come in advance. You will have to make the choice. If you feel that you have the time to devote to learning new software then by all means make the best choice for your profession. Making threats of switching won't speed things up. Adobe will release an update when Adobe is ready. I'm sorry, but there isn't any better answer. Good luck on making the right choice.
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A lot of this also rest on the camera companies giving Adobe the data they need to make Camera Raw work with new cameras.
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I pitched a fit about it for a few days, then I learned how to use Exiftool to correct the problem. It makes the file appear as if it were a A7RII RAW file. It actually turned out to be quite easy. I can use Lightroom for A7RIII files now. Its not a long process nor is it hard to do. Its a good fix for the time being. Give it a try.
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Ya, well... we know we have to wait on Adobe. I was expecting that. What I was not expecting was that Sony’s own raw converter is not compatable with the new version of OS X. 11.13. THAT is nuts. All I know to do at this point is to import into CaptureOne which I do not know how to run... but it is looking better all the time.. then export into DNG’s and import those into Lightroom. Of course I am miffed at Adobe... But Sony has screwed up even worse on this than Adobe has.
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Adobe updated the iOS versions of Lightroom CC tonight and in the description it states "Integrated ACR 10.1." Assumes that means we should see Adobe Camera Raw updated for the desktop apps very soon.
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10.1 is ready to rock. A7R3 raw is supported now.
Thank you ! Thank you !
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I already down loaded it. You guys rock!!!!
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