The work flow of a png file is safer for image quality in the long run and is a more favorable file format then Jpeg. It would save a lot of time and issues if exporting from Lightroom was a capability.
Every survey I do for Adobe, I ask for two things; sometimes three, but the first two are:
1 - Please allow us to export PNG files
2 - Please allow us to save the catalog in a secondary location for safe backup. (we already have the option to save images to a second location while importing, why not allow us to save the catalog to a second location when creating a backup?)
Adobe, please add ability to save from Camera Raw in PNG format also!
When one want to save/export image(s) from Camera Raw, there are JPG, TIFF, DNG and PSD already, but it would be quite useful to have the ability to choose PNG also.
There are some good reasons for exporting to PNG. One of them is that uploading a JPG to Facebook will result in a greatly degraded image compared to uploading a PNG.
Another reason is that sometimes you need to preserve an alpha channel in a Photoshop file or TIFF file, and JPG does not support alpha channels.
I don't imagine it's too hard for them to add the option to export to PNG... after all, Photoshop easily and readily exports to PNG.
Awesome! I just checked on how to update to the latest version and there is no 8.4 (Classic) available via the Creative Cloud app. I am using Classic for Windows Desktop. Thoughts?