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+ Camera Raw Feature Requests +

Community Expert ,
Sep 22, 2005 Sep 22, 2005

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We're interested in what changes you would like see in our products. Do you have an idea for a feature that would help your workflow? Is there a small change that could be made to make your life a little easier? Let us know!  Share an Idea, Ask a Question or Report a Problem and get feedback from the Product Development Team and other passionate users on the Photoshop Family product Feedback Site on Photoshop.com.

In future it would helpful if you could use this thread as a means to add

"Features" that you would like to see in future releases of Adobe Camera Raw.

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New Here ,
Sep 29, 2005 Sep 29, 2005

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A new feature request. When I have a single image open in ACR, I'd like to be able to set the rating and/or delete the image just like I can do when I have multiple images open in ACR.

The specific workflow issue that happens for me is that when I am first browsing through my newly downloaded images in Bridge, I may open a few single images in ACR to find out how good they are (e.g. to look at it closer). I may find out it's either really good (high rating) or really bad (I want to delete) and I can't do either while I'm there in ACR. I have to hit Cancel or Done and then do the operation in Bridge.

It's not a big deal, but the brain gets trained to do it in ACR when you have multiple images open so it feels strange to not be able to use the same workflow steps when you just have one image open.

Also, any chance of being able to assign labels in ACR just like ratings?






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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 29, 2005 Sep 29, 2005

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"Also, any chance of being able to assign labels in ACR just like ratings?"

The Bridge command key shorts for labels work in Camera Raw also.





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New Here ,
Sep 29, 2005 Sep 29, 2005

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>The Bridge command key shorts for labels work in Camera Raw also

Thanks Thomas.

I guess I'm discovering the theme here - study and learn the shortcut keys.






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Explorer ,
May 17, 2009 May 17, 2009

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Minor point but it would be good if ACR was also consistent with Bridge setting “Require the control key to apply labels & ratings” as it appears permanently enabled in ACR and potentially requiring different keyboard actions.

Much prefer a single finger key stroke either way.





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Guide ,
May 18, 2009 May 18, 2009

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I much prefer having the option to require a modifier key (Command/Control) to apply ratings, labels, etc.






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Explorer ,
May 18, 2009 May 18, 2009

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Another inconsistency is “No Rating”, Bridge being Ctrl+0 and in ACR appears to be Ctrl+`





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New Here ,
Sep 29, 2005 Sep 29, 2005

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It's funny but a lot of people seem to have problems finding things in ACR that are identical to Photoshop.

I'm fairly new to Photoshop and am just really getting to grips with all the short-cuts in it but I've suddenly realised I've been using them in ACR without even noticing. Maybe having used something for so long gets you programmed into using it a certain way then something that seems different (like ACR) comes along and you suddenly expect it to work very differently.

Mind you I'm using it for fun and therefore can afford to poke a few buttons that might otherwise screw things up, also I'm probably so much slower than you guys that I'm thinking what most of the short-cuts are before I press them.

Maybe it's me but I generally expect applications written by the same people to work in the same way (OK don't get me going about Microsoft Office) so I just assume it'll all work.

However there are a couple of things I always do that seem to help me. Read the manual, read the help files/tutorials, get a good book on the subject (like Bruce's) and then listen to people who know how to use it.

I know this isn't adding a vast amount to the thread but I thought I'd add my tuppence worth just for good measure. So remember, if in doubt, have a go - you never know, the programmer might have had the same idea as you!





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New Here ,
Sep 29, 2005 Sep 29, 2005

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Here's my wishlist for ACR. I'll list the feature first and then in a separate section afterwards, I'll explain why I want it.

1) Shadow/Highlights
2) Multi-instance and modeless behavior for ACR so I can truly have ACR open, Bridge open, PS open and work in all three and even open another ACR window.
3) The ability to open one image into PS and keep the rest going in ACR when you have multiple images open in ACR.
4) The point locator feature for curves like curves has in PS so you can find out what tone area on the curve a given area in the photo is, just by clicking/dragging over an area on the photo.
5) White balance assist to make it easier to get skin tones right when there are no good grayscale references in the photo.
6) An ACR pref to have a suffix automatically added to each filename when it goes into PS so after editing it in PS, I can just hit Ctrl-S and not have to manually add a suffix onto every single image I edit in CS.
7) A drag/drop bin for recently used saved settings in ACR and shortcut keys for cycling through a preview of those settings (described in more detail below).
8) A pref to allow the Save Images folder in the Save dialog in ACR to default to the directory of the RAW files rather than the last directory used.
9) More sophisticated sharpening in ACR (like smart sharpening).
10) Ability to set label or rating when only one image open in ACR.
11) Ability to delete and close when only one image open in ACR.
12) An easier way to see how a rotated image looks. There is no way in ACR to see the straight version of an image you've rotated slightly.
13) Shortcut keys to cycle through saved curve settings.

Here's the explanation for why I want each of these:

1) Shadow/Highlights. A significant percentage of my images need no other adjustments in PS except shadow/highlights and it's a big workflow savings to be able to finish a picture in ACR instead of having to take it into PS.

2) Multi-instance and modeless. The CS2 behavior is better than it was before because you can set it up for Bridge to host ACR and still be able to use PS. But, I often open many images in ACR and the current design still forces me to serially finish all those images in ACR before I do anything else becuase I'm blocked from going back to either Bridge or PS (depending upon who's hosting ACR) and I can't open any other images in ACR. This forces a serial workflow when sometimes I'd like to be able to be in the middle of one workflow (a hundred images open in ACR), but go do something else in Bridge and PS for a short period of time. I can't do that today.

3) The ability to open one image from ACR into PS while keeping the other images in ACR. When I see the preview in ACR, this is often the first time I've seen my images at any decent size. I often find I want to take a few into PS just to see how well they fix up with certain changes or to see if they benefit from things I can do in PS and can't in ACR, without discarding all the other images I have in ACR at the time. So, again, I am forced to serially finish all the image I have in ACR before I can take any into PS. I'd like to be able to open the selected images in PS and keep the others in ACR.

4) The point locator feature that PS has in the curves dialog is very valuable for finding out where on the curve a given feature in the photo is. I'd like that feature in the PS curves.

5) White balance assist for skin tones. One of the hardest things in ACR is getting the white balance right for skin tones when there is no easy gray reference in the photo. I don't know how it would work (I think this is an area for your invention and cleverness), but I'd like some sort of white balance assist that helps me pick a white balance that leads to a pleasing skin tone. I'd be willing to tell ACR where the skin tone is by pointing at it.

6) I add a suffix of "-edited" to ALL images that I open in PS from ACR. That means I have to type that suffix on every image when I hit the Save command in PS. I'd like a preference in ACR to automatically append a suffix onto the filename when it goes into PS to save me that typing on every single image. I've even tried to figure out if I could write a script in PS to do this for me (if file extension is a RAW file extension when user hits save, then add default suffix to the filename before Save dialog comes up), but I haven't figured out whether it can be done via script or not. I know that others save their PSD or JPEG files to a different directory than their RAW files (I keep all of mine in the same directory so this isn't an issue for me), so I imagine they'd like the ability to specify a default relative path also to save having to point every PSD they save in PS to a new directory.

7) Drag/drop bin for RAW settings. In a workflow of processing 200-800 RAW files, I'd like the ability to easily and temporarily save a small number of RAW file settings (10 would do). I know you can do it in the pull right menu in ACR today, but that's too much typing and clicks to make it worth it. I'm looking for something that allows me to pick a bunch of files from a shoot, identify a representative "sunny" shot and drop it's settings into a bin that I quickly label sunny. Then, when other sunny shots come up, rather than having to scroll around to find that image or go back to bridge to find that image, I just drag it out of the bin an drop it on the selected images. I don't want it to persist globally because then they pile up and I have to clean them up. I do need them to persist between ACR sessions as long as Bridge or PS is still running because I often process my RAW files in many ACR sessions. The whole point is to make an easy place for me to deposit a small number of saved settings so I can easily (very few mouse clicks or keystores) use them again while processing the same shoot. It's all about speeding up the workflow and letting me re-use work I've done earlier in the workflow. In my experience, this happens most often for white balance and curves since I'm more likely to tweak exposure on nearly every shot anyway.

8) When I hit Save Images in ACR, it remembers the previously set directory. In my workflow, I want it to default to the directory of the first image I'm saving. The way it is now, it is NEVER the right directory so I always have to change it. It could be smart enough so my normal workflow never has to change it. Even better, I'd get to set a pref that was a relative path from where the first image is located. So, when I'm saving JPEGs, I could have a default path of ./JPEG (a sub-directory under where the RAW files are located). Other people would want ../JPEG (a sub-directory at the same level as where the RAW files are stored).

9) In the spirit of getting as much of my work done in ACR as possible, I'd like to see a unification of the sharpening functionality so that ACR can do smart sharpening with all the same features. That would again keep many of my images out of PS and drastically improve my workflow.

10) I'd like the ability to set a label or rating when there's only one image open in ACR. Because you can do this when you have multiple images open in ACR, I'm programmed to set this in ACR, but that workflow programming is busted when I only have one image open.

11) I'd like the ability to delete an image from ACR when there's only one image open in ACR. Just like with labels and ratings described above, I'm programmed to want to delete a ruined image when I see it up close in ACR and determine it's no good. In this case, I think I'd like to just hit the trash can icon and have the ACR window close and have the image deleted in one single step.

12) When I straighten an image in ACR, there's no good way to see how the rotated version looks at full size. All you get to see is a thumb in ACR (if you have multiple images open) or a thumb in Bridge. To see whether it rea





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New Here ,
Sep 29, 2005 Sep 29, 2005

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jfriend00 ...

> Here's my wishlist for ACR. I'll list the feature first and then in a separate section afterwards, I'll explain why I want it.

if i read you correctly, you'd like ACR to be a separate product that has all the features of photoshop .. is that correct? :-)





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Guide ,
Sep 29, 2005 Sep 29, 2005

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Kudos for having the patience and stamina to read through all that, Nunatak.





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Explorer ,
Sep 30, 2005 Sep 30, 2005

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I suppose it's stupidly simple, but I've just been doing detailed corrections in ACR on over 400 images from a theatre shoot and stupidly hit Cancel. So I lost a couple of hours work, when what I really meant to do was simply to cancel changes on one image.

Is there a sensible way of reducing the risk? Current thoughts are:

- to have a counter of the images currently open in ACR and then re-label the button to "Cancel changes to x images"
- to have a "do you really want to cancel the changes on X images" as a default pop-up

I suppose, the same thing could apply to the rather ambiguous "done". Done what I ask? How about "Apply changes to all images"

I think this would have helped me + it would be more consistent with the Save and Open issues.

Otherwise thanks for a wonderful tool


Chris Tribble
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New Here ,
Sep 30, 2005 Sep 30, 2005

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> So I lost a couple of hours work, when what I really meant to do was simply to cancel changes on one image.

I've had this same problem before. I have now taught myself to think carefully about what button you are pushing before doing so. I like the direction of the changes you suggested. That would make it so you could just pick the button you want without having to think so much and without it being as likely you would make a mistake. I wonder if it would also be useful to have a button for "Cancel changes to this image" since that is often the cause of the confusion and is something we are trained to look for in a dialog-looking UI.






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New Here ,
Sep 30, 2005 Sep 30, 2005

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> Kudos for having the patience and stamina to read through all that, Nunatak.

And commendations in turn for (evidently) having neither the stamina nor patience to read through all that, thereby neatly avoiding the (probable) irritation of having to summon the stamina and patience to read through all that -- further, for having publicly, albeit gratuitously, commended the other fellow for having had the stamina and patience to read through all that, thereby contributing the usual impressive wealth of detail in the service of understanding both Adobe Camera Raw and forum participants' near-mesmerizing reactions to other participants' messages. Surely I'm not alone in thinkinf: gosh all heck, it just can't get much better than this.

[N.B.: For enrichment purposes, I have left uncorrected at least one obvious typo.]





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New Here ,
Oct 01, 2005 Oct 01, 2005

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Well said that man. It hit's the spot with me. I thought the same thing but considering some of the posts I'd seen...





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New Here ,
Oct 01, 2005 Oct 01, 2005

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> I wonder if it would also be useful to have a button for "Cancel changes to this image" since that is often the cause of the confusion and is something we are trained to look for in a dialog-looking UI.

it would certainly be helpful to have something in the UI which indicates a global vs. a local cancel. e.g. "cancel all windows" vs "cancel this window".

a similar issue came up when the escape key was hit.

perhaps another solution is to have a "training mode" and a "power user mode". this could be set by way of a flag in the preferences, and will turn on or off an alert box (a nag) before proceeding.

just a thought ...





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New Here ,
Oct 01, 2005 Oct 01, 2005

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>4) The point locator feature for curves like curves has in PS so you can find out what tone area on the curve a given area in the photo is, just by clicking/dragging over an area on the photo.

As it turns out this feature exists already. I just discovered it by accident. If you hold down the control key and move the mouse around the image, you get the point on the curve for that image tone in ACR. I only discovered it because I was zooming (Ctrl+) and noticed I had a point on my curve for the current tone while zooming (because the Ctrl key was down).

I guess this is another vote for increasing the discoverability of these gems, but I'm glad they are there.






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New Here ,
Oct 01, 2005 Oct 01, 2005

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mike ...

>And commendations in turn for (evidently) having neither the stamina nor patience to read through all that, thereby neatly avoiding the (probable) irritation of having to summon the stamina and patience to read through all that ...

tsk. tsk. sarcasm begets sarcasm. :-)





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New Here ,
Oct 01, 2005 Oct 01, 2005

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> As it turns out this feature exists already.

Bruce Fraser's "Real-World" ACR-for-PSCS2 book is a fantastic resource for learning about those kinds of ACR features and for digging into the subtleties of the program. That book is worth its weight in gold...





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New Here ,
Oct 01, 2005 Oct 01, 2005

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> tsk. tsk. sarcasm begets sarcasm. 🙂

Sarcasm. Sarcasm? Every word was deeply infused with the sincerest of warm and fuzzy heart-feelings! I mean, I even thought for a moment there about proposing a group hug! Mega-kudos to you, by the way, for having the patience and stamina to read through all that. :)





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New Here ,
Oct 01, 2005 Oct 01, 2005

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> Bruce Fraser's "Real-World" ACR-for-PSCS2 book is a fantastic resource

I've got that book and the one that came before it. Read them both. It's just not possible to memorize all those shortcut keys (at least for my gray matter)...






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Participant ,
Oct 02, 2005 Oct 02, 2005

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My 2 US cents (1.6 Eurocents?) ..

1. For the cancel warning, use the image counter and show dialog only if > one (or insert favorite warning threshold) images are being cancelled.

2. A way to quickly display the non-processed histogram of the raw file "As Shot". Is this the same as displaying with every slider set to 0, the curve to linear and the WB set to "As Shot" (I'm still confused why it doesn't display the original camera-selected WB setting for reference :-)?

3. A way to display individual channel histograms (checkmarks next to each R-G-B reading above the graph?). My simple brain gets overwhelmed by the integrated display after a while when detailed analysis is required.

4. Adding an EXIF user comment to the actual RAW file, to multiple selected files. This could also be applicable to the Bridge app. I use this to add lens information for non-Canon lenses to my Canon body, which is most of the time. I currently use Canon's Zoom Browser app to do this but it's a very tedious part of the workflow.

5. Moveable toolbox - it would be nice to at least be able to position it next to the preview checkmarks. I use 1792x1344 on each monitor and constantly moving the mouse from one end to the other gets tiring :-).

6. Center the display on the pointer when using the mouse menu to switch magnification.

7. A way to quickly save and recall multiple settings for the current image. One example would add a section between the histogram and the settings. It has (left-to-right) a recall button, a dropdown with "---", "One", Two", etc., an increment button (increments the dropdown to the next saved), a decrement button, and a save button. Buttons are individually disabled when not applicable.

Don't you just love it when people come up with ludicrous "Great Ideas" for somebody else to work on :-)? Cheers!






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Community Expert ,
Oct 02, 2005 Oct 02, 2005

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Please note that posts: 16,17,19,20,22,23,24,27,29 and 30 will be deleted on Monday 3 October.

I would also remind folk that we can do without the sarcasm!

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New Here ,
Oct 02, 2005 Oct 02, 2005

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I'd like to support the concept of pushing ACR towards being a complete image processing solution for photographers. I'm not talking about a saving money thing (I don't mind if it comes bundled with PS), I'm thinking about workflow and archiving. It would be a king-hit IMO. I really like the idea of staying in the linear data format as long as possible. To that end I would like to add to the above list:

1. Being able to simply store multiple processing runs with different processing values for individual images. To a large extent I already do this by manipulating xmp sidecars, having multiple sidecars per image, but building it in would probably be even better (for me keeping things as xmp data rather than saving the 5x larger tiff is enormously attractive).

2. Now something of a leap, what about linear layer masks to attach to raw images. This might seem mad but a linear mask of an image in most cases is closely equivalent to the image itself, it might be possible to store the mask as a series of standard commands also in the xmp sidecar (find edges, Gaussian blur X, saturation -100, contrast +80). So, in line with 1, from a data retrieval perspective, the mask becomes just another set of processing run data with just a few more instructions built in.

Put these two together and you could have the equivalent to a 300 Mb multilayer tiff stored as a 10Mb raw file with one or more 4 Kb sidecars. To push the point, this is not just archiving, it is workflow and file organisation.

3. Another step further would be to encourage / help plug-in makers to develop plugins at the linear / ACR level - I am particularly thinking of noise reduction and sharpening.

LOL, just a few ideas

Andrew Hall





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New Here ,
Oct 07, 2005 Oct 07, 2005

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Thomas, I would also like to see the camera model displayed there too. I shoot with three different camera models and have different calibration sets for all of them so that I can get the same 'look and feel' across the 3 different cameras. If I haven't checked which camera the image was taken on before opening the image in ACR, I have to close ACR go and check which camera was used and then open it up again.





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New Here ,
Oct 07, 2005 Oct 07, 2005

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Carol, <br /> <br />Hmm camera make and model is displayed on the very left in the ACR title bar. <br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.pixentral.com/show.php?picture=1AYnuEgBu6CsZFDepsdBPG0g5a1df30" /></a> <img alt="Picture hosted by Pixentral - http://pixentral.com" src="http://www.pixentral.com/hosted/1AYnuEgBu6CsZFDepsdBPG0g5a1df30_thumb.jpg" border="0" />





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