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A button to appear once others have been selected

Explorer ,
Oct 05, 2022 Oct 05, 2022

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Hi all,


Just wondering if you can help please... starting to experiemnt a little with advanced actions


I have created a slide which has multiple buttons on, all of which jump to a slide where they view the content before retrning back to the initial slide... as they do this, each button greys out.


I have created an aditional button that i would like to appear once the each of the other buttons have been viewed.

I created a Variable for all of the buttons above so once selected, they move to '1'. I was hoping i could say on the quiz button... If all variables are equal to 1, then show the the button - its not working though so wondering if i could get some help please 🙂


So you know... when viewing the project, the 'quiz button' appears on the slide as soon as entered... and whilst it looks like i can click it, its not doing anything at all.... i have checked and once i have viwed all the subjects, the variables have moved to 1.


any further info required, please let me know!



Advanced actions , Getting started






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Oct 05, 2022 Oct 05, 2022

Trying to understand your question, which is not easy.

I did see the conditional advanced action but there is only the THEN part, not the ELSE part. Moreover I don't know which event is triggering this action: is it the On Enter event of the slide with the multiple buttons (I will call it a dashboard)?

Do you use the Return button on the other slides to toggle the Boolean variable associated with each button? That would mean each of those Return buttons trigger a standard advanced action since y




Community Expert ,
Oct 05, 2022 Oct 05, 2022

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Trying to understand your question, which is not easy.

I did see the conditional advanced action but there is only the THEN part, not the ELSE part. Moreover I don't know which event is triggering this action: is it the On Enter event of the slide with the multiple buttons (I will call it a dashboard)?

Do you use the Return button on the other slides to toggle the Boolean variable associated with each button? That would mean each of those Return buttons trigger a standard advanced action since you need also the Jump to Slide command.

How do you 'grey out' the button after returning to the dashboard? It probably means another advanced action: changing to another state + disabling is necessary. Disabling means that the learner cannot use a button multiple times, which is a loss of control for the learner, but that is your choice of course.

When checking the Advanced Interaction panel (F9) in the described setup I would expect these actions:

  1. On the Dashboard slide an On Enter advanced action which checks the status of the user variables and shows the extra button when all variables are toggled to 1. In the other situation (ELSE) that buttons should be hidden.
  2. On the Dashboard slide each button should trigger an advanced action as well, or a shared action (preferably) to jump to another slide, change state (greyed) and disable the button, then jump to the needed content slide. Moreover the option 'Retain state...' should be checked for each button.
  3. On the content slides: a Return button, which toggles the associated variable, and returns to the Dashboard slide. Eventually you could take out the Change State and/or the disabling from the buttons in  2 and put them here. It is possible in an advanced action to execute those actions from another slide.


Can you check your setup to see if this is all accomplished?





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Explorer ,
Oct 06, 2022 Oct 06, 2022

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Hi Lilybiri


Many thanks for attempting to decipher my cryptic question(s) 🙂 and for your response.. which has pointed me in the right direction! Whilst i had the right kind of advanced action created, my mistake was applying it directly to the 'Extra Button'... thinking it would do that on entry/return to the slide... I had not considered the 'On Entry' option. Im pleased to say, after applying an advanced action to this along the lines of when each content has been viewed (and variable set to 1) then show the button... and it works! 😄


I had completed your step 2 and 3 already so thats good.. i was on the right track, just applied the action to the wrong area! 🙂


Thank you (again!)







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Community Expert ,
Oct 06, 2022 Oct 06, 2022

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Great to hear my answer helped. They used to call me 'Queen of Advanced Actions' in the past, when I was still allowed to present webinars. Now they seem to have banned me.

Consider using the Advanced Interaction panel to check if the actions have been applied to the correct events. Sorry for using the 'officialt' terminology:


As for the events:








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