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Is there anyway for a search engine to find a course if that course were to be hosted on a website/server?
My client wishes to use a simple course on their website and with some luck they hope that the course could be found online with people searching for relevent terms.
If for example, the course contains information about safety equipment, would a search engine be able to list the course in its results if someone searched for the safety equipment.
Yep its possible..there is much online information on how to get your site found by search engines....SEO is something to learn about for sure..... Here are two quick links to get you started: and
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Yep its possible..there is much online information on how to get your site found by search engines....SEO is something to learn about for sure..... Here are two quick links to get you started: and
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So it would be a case of using tags via HTML for the website and isn't something that can be done in Captivate?
I thought as much.
Thank you.
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Correct, it would be best to add any SEO and other meta tag realted info directly to your published HTML document. Meta/SEO data is generaly entered between the Head tags (<head></head> in your HTML document.
The one meta tag that you can set in a published project (index.html) via Captivate is the <title></title> tag. That is set in the Project Info settings area - accessed by selecting from Captivate's main top drop down menu File -> Project Info. (its at the very bottom of the File menu drop-down)
The Title tag <title></title>, is quite is one of the most important meta data tags as it will be used as the title listing in search engines.
Now if you wanted to have a few meta tags added automatcily each time to your projects, you could modify the HTML template Captivate uses to publish your projects. By doing this, everytime you go to publish a project from your workstation where you made this change, it would always add your set meta data everytime you publish a project. So you could have it auto add things like compay name, author....and set up the lines that would hold key meta/SEO info for the page such as Description and keywords...since title can be done via Captivate.
The main key meta data that search engines will use to log and bring your page up in a search listing are (all added between the HEAD tags in you HTML document are:
Page (Meta) Title (or Project Title via Captivate): (Keep under 60 charcters)
<title>Title of your page/project here</title>
Description Meta tag: (keep between 140 - 160 charcters)
<meta name="description" content="Enter here a description of the page">
Keyword(s) Meta tag:
<meta name='keywords' content='your, keyword, tags, here'>
The above would translate into a listing on Goggle for example...
There is a robot tag (<meta name='robots' content='index,follow'>), that seems to be shared on most pages talking about important meta tags to use...but I'd check with your IT deparment to see how (and if) you can use that meta tag...
A couple more sites that may be of interest:
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Please let me know if my answers helped you sucessfully get the info you were seeking.