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I want to add some assets but when I click on the assets button, nothing happens. I'm using Captivate 2019
Has anyone run into this and how do I solve it?
Did you install the basic set of eLearning assets? For Windows look under Public Documents\Adobe to check its presence.
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Did you install the basic set of eLearning assets? For Windows look under Public Documents\Adobe to check its presence.
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The assets are in the public documents under the Adobe folder.
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OK, that is a start. Are you on the most recent version, which is Are you perhaps behind a firewall, because you need to acces the eLearning Broters' website to access the free assets? For the Characters, check the workflow: go into the Characters dialog box, and try to hoose a character...
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Great - Thanks
I needed to execute the assets. Now it works!!
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Do I understand correctly that you donwloaded the assets file but didn't install it? You first answered that they were available under Publis Documents, typo?
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how do i execute or upload the assets to cap19 from the public/documents/adobe/elearning folder once i locate them?
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What do you mean "execute the assets?" How did you do that?
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Also, I cannot see my Assets, and I don't understand how to populate my ASSETS. Can you walk me through populating my Assets? Or, maybe there are no Assets with the trial v of Cap 19, that's what I am using. I don't get your explanation of where to exactly find the Assets folder to download to Cap19. Where is Public folder? Where is 'the Adobe folder'?
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You are not on version 19, but on 11.5.
Have a look at:
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Please offer directions on how to "install the basic set of eLearning assets."
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Please read the thread and report if you see them in Public documents.
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Hi there,
I'm having the same issue. I see the elearning assets folder in the Adobe\Public Documents folder and I'm not behind a firewall. What do I need to do to see the assets in Captivate? I just installed Captivate yesterday so I'm on the latest release. Thank you in advance.
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There is a problem at this moment, still not fixed. Please have some patience.
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I apologize for appearing impatient. I didn't understand that there was a larger issue.. thought it was my user error. I appreciate the clarification.
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No need to apà ologize at all, you couldn't know this was a major problem. It started yesterday evening (I am in Europe) with lot os similar complaints. When I checked myself, did see that Assets panel was empty, only Discovery and Downloads were still accessible. Same witht he eLearing community. This morning I pinged some people, and they were already working on it. Apparently it takes longer than expected.
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Thank you for posting this update! I am having the same issue and have tried (with my company tech support) many of the fixes to no avail. Hopefully an update will be sent out to users once the issue is resolved!
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Hi, I am having the same issue with assets not showing up. I have tried:
Nothing has worked. I still have no assets. Would someone please help me.
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Did you read my previous answers? At this moment the Assets panel (with exception for Discovery and Downloads) looks blank for everyone. The team is working to fix it ASAP.
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Everything seems to work fine for me this morning !...
(Wasn't the case yesterday...)
Hope it works also for you !...
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Indeed, they have been working on it all day yesterday and very relieved it has been solved. Kudos tto the Captivate team!
However it is no longer possible to upload a published project, nor media. I just tried to post a new game, and had to insert a link to my domain, no way even to insert a graphic. If you want to play:
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Yes! It's working for me again as well! Shout out to the Captivate team for the quick fix!
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It's working for me as well....thanks everyone!
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How did yours get fixed? I am still trying to downoad assets and it's not working
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Are you behind a firewall? If yes, is access to the WWW limited?
Which exact version of Captivate do you use (see full number under Help, About Captivate). Is that version compatible with your OS? Are you on Windows or Mac?