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Blank slides when recording Demo video

Community Beginner ,
Oct 22, 2023 Oct 22, 2023

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I get only blank slides (mostly) when recording Demo video

There are only mouse paths, captions,... but no screenshots of the application I am working on.
(Only on every about 10th slide I got some picture of application I worked with)


My PC configuration: i7-5930K, 80 GB RAM, AMD Radeon R9 200 (VRAM 2 GB), Windows 10.
Adobe Captivate is the newest version, just downloaded and installed few days before.

Working about 10 years with Captivate. Constant frustration with some/many malfunctions. 
It took a few hours to install, constantly I got the package that was installed only by message but not really.
When I installed the packet for all and not for me, it finally works or better said starts but is not fully workable.
I need Captivate 99% for Demo projects (for now) and that option doesn't work.
I am angry, frustrated, helpless.
I cannot believe that this product comes from the same firm(Adobe) that has something perfect as CC (PS,AI,IN,LR,...) that I pay and use many, many years.

Editing , Recording






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