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Cambria Font Not Centering Vertically On Transparent Text Button and Text Caption

New Here ,
Mar 19, 2021 Mar 19, 2021

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Hello everyone.


I am new to using Captivate and font design in general. I'm beginning to think I probably just should've used a different font to begin with but want to see if there is a workaround, fix, or just an explanation to my issue.


When I use the Cambria font, it does not center when used in a text caption or text button. In the screenshot I'll attach, I use Calibri fonts on the left and Cambria ones on the right. All are set centered horizontaly and vertially, but the Cambria regular styleones do not center vertically.


This issued has annoyed with this font but since I have already published some courses with Cambria, I want to know if there is a way to fix this. Any help is appreciated!


Captivate Screenshot.PNG






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Community Expert ,
Mar 19, 2021 Mar 19, 2021

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Please do not use that old Text button anymore. You don't have any control over the look (it is the system style). Moreover it cannot be used on master slides nor timed for the rest of the project. Have a look at:



I know that was off topic. What you tell happens to some fonts indeed, not only to Cambria. Try to edit the vertical alignment in the Properties panel, it may be restored correctly. Another possibility (not for the button) for the text container (caption are also old, but I think it is a shape on your screenshot) is to play with the margins in the Properties panel.


Another warning: Calibri nor Cambria are websafe fonts. This means that in some circumstances, where the learners do not have those fonts installed, it will revert to Times New Roman and mess up the design you prepared so carefully. Keep to websafe fonts and/or Adobe fonts. More info:







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