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Since the latest update, Captivate is akting me to replace "missing fonts" after opening a project.
The fonts aren't missing, I can see them working fine on the first slide.
It always misses Lucida Sans, which I don't use in my projects.
No matter which font I choose of even if I cancel, every font in my projects will be replaced by Tahoma.
I've tried opening projects with customers corporate fonts and projects which only use Arial, all of them get this message. Unit Pro for example.
The only option I have right now, is to let Captivate replace all of my fonts and put them back to what I used before manually.
After that it won't ask me to replace, but that can't be the way to go? This takes forever
I'm on macOS Mojave 10.14.4.
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Maybe log a bug. I am still trying to explore this feature more in-depth, cannot give you a helpful answer right away.
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Thanks, I just did that.
I didn't even know "update missing fonts" was a feature, I never saw it until this update.
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It is new, great feature. Look at my blog to see a first review.
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It's a great new feature if it works properly - now all of our projects company wide cannot find the font we use for our projects. This only started happening after the 2019 Update 2... so it is a bug. 😕
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When you open a project and see a Missing Font Dialog, you would be see seeing it only when the fonts are missing on your system. Here are few quick links to get more info, on when the dialog would come and where all it looks to show missing fonts in project.
Replace missing fonts in Captivate
Captivate (2019 release) Update 2 - FAQ
If you see missing fonts dialog , even when you have the font (with all font faces) on your system.Please write back to us. We will definitely look into it and help you. Hope this helps.
Note:You would not have been seen the issue (missing fonts) in previous versions because previously it was silently falling back to some default fonts when fonts were missing.
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This ONLY started happening after we all started installing the update 18th/19th June.
We have a custom company font we use, therefore everyone is instructed to install this before using the company template, which only uses this font.
Please resolve this issue ASAP.
kind regards
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I think the keywords in Shivani's answer here are "with all font faces". That's the bit that seems to have fouled everything up. It's quite possible that you can have the font installed but NOT with every single possible font face that belongs to it. There can be dozens.
It would have been great if there had been some more thought put into the implementation of this 'feature' to ensure that it wasn't going to cause this much disruption. It's what this entire update for Captivate 2019 is going to be remembered for.
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HI Rod - the font we are using has Light and Bold associated with it - I think 99% of our projects use Light (With Italic, bold etc of Light when required). I literally don't understand what's happening - is Captivate saying You are using FontX in your project but you don't have all possible version of this font installed (Because FontX may have Italic, Underscore etc), so what Captivate is going to do is remove all references of the font just in case you've attempted to use one not on your machine with a font that you do have all versions of on your machine??
And they added this but not Cut and Paste into a State from outside of the State?!
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Don't ask me why Adobe did this. I don't have any part in such decisions. I'm just a user like yourself. This is just one of many instances where the Captivate developers were not aware of the way most end users would be affected by implementing a feature that probably looked quite innocent on paper.
Thankfully I always use only web-safe fonts for any of my courses so I got away with minimal disruption this time.
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Hi feel your pain Rod... thanks for the info....
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The thing I find really funny about all this is the way this feature is described in the marketing blurb:
There would be quite a few people on this forum who would beg to differ that the feature has "boosted their productivity".
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@Rod, have mentioned the problem during testing, but not always heard. It is a pity because this update has enhancements which are worthwhile, others which I don't really like because they will lead to bad practice.
I often use Adobe fonts, no problems so far. I have been opening several older projects with Adobe fonts in CP2019.
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After being away from Captivate for a few months, I'm getting first-hand experience with this feature and I don't like it at all. When it first showed itself, I thought that I could just go through the steps, replace the missing fonts and that would take care of everything. What I discovered is that when I reopened the file in which all the fonts were replaced, I got the message again. After a few tries, I finally woke up to the fact that I could prevent the message from reoccuring. Unfortunately, I get the message every time I open an existing courses that hasn't been opened since before the update. This feature is definitely not boosting my productivity considering I have to deal with the dialogue box every time I open a file that's been dormant for a while.
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Hi there - I found the issue is resolved by doing a Save As or simply saving the file and when it says This file needs to be saved as the latest version of Captivate, select Ok. Everything is then fine. Can you replicate these steps?
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The font replacement takes place before you can save the file.
So all the correct fonts have been lost already at that point.
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Yes and I pointed that out earlier - this is the only User Solution we have right now -
a) Open the file
b) At the Font alert select your Font as the replacement
c) Go through your file and see 90%+ of your fonts replaced with Tahoma (Notice in my experience not 100%)
d) Replace your fonts with your own/custom ones (Yes this is the pain)
e) Save As/Save and acknowledge that the file will be upgraded to V2
f) Open the file again and see no font alert.
I'm going to do a screen recording for Adobe and share it with them so they can see the issue first hand. Hopefully they will realise there is a fault and fix it.
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I recall saving the first few files I opened - only to have the dialogue appear again. On the other hand, I may be mistaken about that sequence. I'll try again.
I haven't checked the font substitution in the files I worked on at first. From what I've read in this thread, I should confirm that they are still using the correct fonts.
Thank you for the suggestions. (Bottom line, though, I agree that this feature does NOT boost my productivity.)
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Hi Everyone,
We were able to figure out a case where you would probably see a font not missing like Times New Roman getting replaced.To put in simpler words, any missing fonts replaced in the older version were temporary, as they were happening silently and originally assigned fonts were always remembered by the Captivate.
I will try to explain with an example:
Hope this explains your case. Here is the link to a small video, i created demonstrating the above mentioned case:
Please note that this case is only when a older version file is opened in captivate 2019 update 2.
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When missing fonts are listed, we check for the fonts in Styles in Object Style Manager, Master Slides and objects. The missing fonts that you are seeing in your project, may not be used for objects, but may be somewhere in styles or Master slides . In case of “Cancel” , the font fallback will replace the missing font with Tahoma. But if you specifically choose a font and then click replace fonts. Objects/Styles using Lucida Sans now would have the newly selected font. Please confirm that this is the behavior you are seeing
You can check the “don’t show Again checkbox” and the dialog wouldn’t show for the project again.
Also, If you still have an issue, please share a project with us to look into it.
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As I described, every font gets replaced with Tahoma, no matter which one I choose in the window.
And ALL fonts get replaced, not only Lucida Sans, which I do not (knowingly) use anywhere.
I may be able to create a dummy file on the weekend, now I'm busy rolling back to an older version to continue working.
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Ok, please share the project with us, as per your convenience.
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I just send you a test file.
It is using a font provided by a customer and Calibri light.
Both are installed and working fine on an Captivate version before the update.
Updates 2 claims Lucida Sans ist missing, not the two fonts I’m using.
No matter which font I choose as a replacement, both working fonts are going to be replaced by Tahoma.
I took some screenshots to show this behavior:
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Got the same problem.
Made a new project yesterday in CP2019 with the new update where I used Arial Unicode.
Now, when I re-open the project, CP prompted me that the font is missing. I pressed cancel to close the diagoue box. Still it changed everything to Tahoma.
Now, there is only 3 categories of fonts:
CP does not load the Adobe fonts.
I'm paying for the full Adobe CC with the same Adobe ID (in case it could have something to do with that).
Same result when I tried it on another computer with the new CP update installed. Here I used both my own license and another.
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Did you see this document?
Replace missing fonts in Captivate
Were you logged in to the CC app while working in CP? Since it seems that you have issues with the Adobe fonts (formerly Typekit)?
You have to check master slides and object styles as explained in the doc.