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Captivate 11 Score Reporting to LMS

Community Beginner ,
Jun 29, 2021 Jun 29, 2021

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I am having a problem with score reporting to my LMS. They are telling me that it has to do with Captivate reporting both a "raw score" and also a "normalized score". I saved the Course as SCORM 2004 (3rd). 


The problem is that the score being shown in the LMS is generally much higher than the raw score, and is supposedly the normalized score. Today I had a student score 89.83 on a course, and the reported score was 95. Not insignificant. 


I cannot find any documentation on this and have no idea how to control what score information is being sent over, and cannot find a variable that would tell me what either value is for testing. I assume raw is the one i get on the results screen, but the normalized I have no idea. 






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Community Expert ,
Jun 30, 2021 Jun 30, 2021

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There are no two scores to be reported in Captivate . The score transmitted to the LMS is stored in the system variable cpQuizInfoPointsscored, the percentage in cpInfoPercentage. 


Some tips:

  1. Check Advanced Interaction panel (F9): you can find the real total score there, and check the scored objects and question slides. More information in  http://blog.lilybiri.com/advanced-interaction-panel-q-and-a
  2. Insert the system variable cpInfoPercentage in a text container on the first slide, which can be done with the X-button in the Characters part of the Properties panel. Time the text for the rest of the project while testing it with F11, Preview HTML in Browser. Is it updating as expected?
  3. Check the course in SCORM Cloud, because your issue could be due to the LMS, not to Captivate. If the course works perfectly in SCORM Cloud, you need to contact the LMS people.





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