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Closed captions button and end of timeline issues

Community Beginner ,
Jan 05, 2023 Jan 05, 2023

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I am currently having a terrible struggle with HTML 5 output of my file. 


I have a shared interaction, 

Show Smartshape with the button turned on

Hide Smartshape  without button 

Jump to specific slide


( this also happens in other instances outside of this specific interaction)


Lets say the timeline is 45 seconds long 

We have a transparent button appearing at 43,  square smart shape disappearing at 42. - all located at the bottom left of the screen, they function as a Next Button. 


Upon starting the presentation: 

When we enter the presentation >  select the Closed Captions button > then press play ( As the timeline will not start until you select play when there is audio on the timeline for 508 reasons as requested).


The timeline functions like normal for the first few seconds, but for some reason, at the end of the timeline we have the narrator say " please select the next button..." and then the smart shape is set on the timeline to fade out  at 42 seconds , and an invisible button becomes visible ( the timeline for this item starts)  at 43 seconds.


We cannot figure out why, but for some reason hitting the closed captions button upon entering the slide, does not allow these other objects to Show or become active.  leaving us with no way to jump to the next slide.


Any button that existed on the slide for the entiarty of the timeline, still functions. its only any button that was previously Hidden or at the end of the timeline that does not function or show up. 


Any Advice? 

Advanced , Advanced actions






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Community Expert ,
Jan 06, 2023 Jan 06, 2023

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I have read your question a couple of times but it is difficult to understand. Sorry, I am not a native Engish speaker and I try to keep to the standard terminology of Captivate. This is what I understood:

  • You have issues with the Timeline. I suspect that either a pausing point or a Pause command On Enter for the slide could be the origin. Please read this blog post about Pausing the Timeline:
    As you can see it has over 70K views, one of the most visited blogs.
    It would help a lot if you inserted a screenshot of the Timeline panel for that slide.
  • You are using a Shared action for a shape button? Is it possible to post a screenshot of that action and of its parameters? I suspect you want to force the view of the slide from the explanation with a non interactive shape and a shape used as button. You probably need an instance on each slide because timing is different?
  • Are both shapes (interactive and non interactive) in the same location? What is their stacking order? I hope ou are not using a responsive project because stacking is prohibited in a fluid box.
  • To see all the 'interactions' on the slide, is it possible to post a partial screenshot of the Advanced Interaction panel (F9) with the columns for the actions expanded and all objects visible? More in:
  • You talk about a Next button and a CC button. The previous panel may clarify, but the statement that clicking the CC button will prevent functionality is worrying. Is this a custom CC button or are you using a default playbar having that button?
  • Please, always mention the full version number of Captivate as can be found under Help, About Captivate.






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Community Beginner ,
Jan 06, 2023 Jan 06, 2023

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  •  Thank you for this wonderful article, I have gone through and read it, and I am utilizing a Strict Pause, on enter. and then assign a "user rewind" variable with the current timeline for use with a replay button. 
    • For the slide to begin, the user has to select a "Play" button, which has the on-success command "Continue" 
    • Currently, it happens on Every slide, if I hit Closed Captions or a shortcut key for Closed Captions ( assigned C by my client) then the timeline seems to never reach the end. This has happened with anything above 10 seconds in VO.
  • the shared action is for a shape button, but the shape button is not showing up at the end of the timeline, we know this because we noticed the cover, which is only controlled by the timeline, is not fading out.
  • Not a responsive project, but the option to make it scalable html content is checked. 
  • We originally use either or, click on player cc button or a button that has the "toggle cpcmdcc" ( not the actual code i just cant remember it exactly) code

I have gone through this article and tested using both "Stops" on the timeline and via on Enter Trigger. The same issue occurs.  







f9 panel: 



Publishing Settings: 



on enter trigger: 



Timeline - redacted text 




The shared interaction : 



It goes like this: 


The next button that shows up at theend of the timeline, when clicked does 3 things: 

  1. Shows a non time locked next buton
  2. Hides the "Cover" that is over the "Image" ( Not to be confused with the Invisible button Over the Next button Image) 
  3. and jumps to next slide. 

The issue isnt the Shared action, I am not even able to get to the shared action as the button never shows up at the end of the timeline and the cover never disappears.

The Cover is not fading out and the next button is not clickable or showing up. 

Pleaes note, this issue happened before we added the cover, but it wasnt consistent, and we only just realize it was only when we activated the closed captions. 





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Jan 06, 2023 Jan 06, 2023

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Very confusing because the names on the Advanced Interaction panel are not the same as in the Timeline.

That shared action is showing a Next button which is on the Timeline from the start. Is that button set to be invisible in output? I am talking about the one with name ending on 1109. The other Next button has timeline starting after the pausing point of the Play button. Why does that Play button need a pausing point? You didn't answer my question about the location of the cover? If it is on top of that Next button it will not prevent that button from being interactive at all. A static object cannot be used to disable a button. Both Next buttons trigger the same shared action (as shown in Advanced Interaction), I don't understand the reason: the ...1109 button will show itself? If it is hidden, it cannot be used.


Do you really have an instance of those buttons on EACH slide? For those like the Next button that is indeed necessary but most of the other buttons can be either on the (main) master slide or timed for the rest of the project. 

Sorry for all these questions.  The CC button just toggles cpCmndCC I presume.  You'll need to edit the Resources button as well, but that is off topic.


What happens when you click on the 'cover'? The button under that cover will trigger the Shared action which is triggered by its Success event, show itself and go to the indicated slide.  Having the cover disappear will not change anything. The Play button is pausing the slide before the second Next button appears on the timeline.


You added a click box, not sure why you want to pause the slide also on the last frame, since the learner is supposed to click the Next button.


If you tell me what you want to do exactly, because I am just guessing all the time, maybe I could offer some real help. My intuition tells me that you are 'building' a very complicated workflow to force the learner to view the complete slide (and listen to the audio) before seeing the Next button. That Next button will not necessarily go to the next slide, but may go to another slide, hence the Shared action. Is that correct? Do you also want them to view the complete slide when they revisit the slide? 

The advanced action for the Replay button, maybe have another look at these posts:



You may need an On Enter action to reset the situation to its original state.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 06, 2023 Jan 06, 2023

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You are right, I did grab a similar, not the same, Advance Interaction Panel 




Because they are similar i space-brained my copy-paste. 



"That shared action is showing a Next button which is on the Timeline from the start. Is that button set to be invisible in output?"


Next button s 22 is visible on output, This button has the shared action to show the next button 22 1109, Hide the cover, jump to specific slide as i cant set shared action to "jump to next slide" 


Next button 22 1109 is Not visible on output. 


It looks like Next button 22 shows up AFTER the pause point but it shows up before. I have adjusted it to make it clearer : 





Of which, the Cover should have, on the timeline, already disappeared revealing the next button image on the Master Slide. The image itself has no function. 


The Play button doesnt need a pause point now that i think about it , as ending it with the audio and having the the HBPs button should be sufficient.  - thank you for asking that. 


"You didn't answer my question about the location of the cover? If it is on top of that Next button it will not prevent that button from being interactive at all." 

  • Thank you! the cover is "under" the next button, however - it is over the image and not the smartshape button - and on the timeline I have it set so that it disappears to reveal the image on master slide before the button becomes active. 

"Both Next buttons trigger the same shared action (as shown in Advanced Interaction), I don't understand the reason: the ...1109 button will show itself? If it is hidden, it cannot be used."

  • You are right, i could trim the fat and ensure that the 1109 button only jumps to the next slide, i simply added the same code as a safety measure. 
  • currently it is set so that the original next button that shows up at the end of the slide becomes visible, by reaching a certain time on the timeline, and the trigger associated with it will enable the NEW next button ( 1109) to show if the learner revisists the timeline for any reasons,  a request that was asked that we ensure happens.  - we utilized this video to make this happen: https://youtu.be/dnmeo0w7iN0 



"Do you really have an instance of those buttons on EACH slide? For those like the Next button that is indeed necessary but most of the other buttons can be either on the (main) master slide or timed for the rest of the project. 

Sorry for all these questions.  The CC button just toggles cpCmndCC I presume.  You'll need to edit the Resources button as well, but that is off topic." 


  • Lol yes, you are right, i couldconsolidate the right buttons down to the master slide where feasable its been a fast moving project and i have not had the time to go back and make these QOL changes and have been forced to rapidly move forward with what was given to me. 
  • ty


What happens when you click on the 'cover'? The button under that cover will trigger the Shared action which is triggered by its Success event, show itself and go to the indicated slide.  Having the cover disappear will not change anything. The Play button is pausing the slide before the second Next button appears on the timeline.

  • I wish this were true, You are right, the cover not stopping the button is true, this is why we have the shared action. 
  • The next button that is on entire timeline is hidden on enter until the short next button at the end is activated. ( this is functioning well on everyslide, the only time it ceases to function is when we use the c button or toggle cc) 

"You added a click box, not sure why you want to pause the slide also on the last frame, since the learner is supposed to click the Next button."

  • Not sure i understand this one. the pause that happens at the end of the slide is stopping the slide from progressing until the learner clicks next.-- Ahh I think I see what you mean, the next button itself can act as that pause without the additional button. Is that right?

The goal is this: 


  1. On enter > timeline pauses until the learner clicks play  > A request we cannot stary from. 
  2. The next button is hidden until the end of the timeline > A request we cannot stray from. 
  3. Once the learner clicks play...  the timeline begins, all things appear and disappear like normal and on a time based schedule... 
  4. At the end of the timeline, the Cover disappears, the next button "appears" and the timeline pauses.


upon revisiting the slide, and to ensure the learner can skip waiting on the timeline locked next button, we have the advanced action "Showing" the next button ( like seen in this video) and we added that it would HIDE the "Cover" that is blocking the view of the Next Button ICON that lives on the master slide. 


We want them to be able to review the slide at their pace upon revisiting, and select next button when they want to.  The TOC is unavailable for use > As requested by client. 


Our replay button works well. It was built utilizing that resource you shared : 


It is bit more complex but avoids adding slides. Workflow:

  • Create a user variable v_start. It will be used to store the first frame of the slide.
  • Use the On Enter slide event for this command (eventually to be combined with other commands) 
         Assign v_start with cpInfoCurrentFrame
  • For the Replay button use this command:
         Expression cpCmndGotoFrameAndResume = v_start – 1
    The play head will rewind to the frame before the start frame of the slide, which is the last frame of the previous slide. Due to ‘Resume’ in this system variable of the Movie Control category, the play head will continue and re-enter the slide immediately.
    It may prove necessary to increase the '1' to 2 or 3 if you don't get the expected result. It is possible that the value of the first frame is one or two frames wrong. In most cases however it works fine.

The variable and the actions can be reused on all slides.



The only difference, is we have for the replay button: Assign cp cmnd gotoframe and resume = v_start and it works well. 


our on enter action sets the user variable to the current timeline. 



If you tell me what you want to do exactly, because I am just guessing all the time, maybe I could offer some real help. My intuition tells me that you are 'building' a very complicated workflow to force the learner to view the complete slide (and listen to the audio) before seeing the Next button. That Next button will not necessarily go to the next slide, but may go to another slide, hence the Shared action. Is that correct? Do you also want them to view the complete slide when they revisit the slide? 

The advanced action for the Replay button, maybe have another look at these posts:



You may need an On Enter action to reset the situation to its original state.

By @Lilybiri






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Community Beginner ,
Jan 06, 2023 Jan 06, 2023

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Can i take a moment to pause and say thank you? @Lilybiri  your contributions to the community is so valuable.. and i appreciate all of your time. 





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Jan 06, 2023 Jan 06, 2023

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You're welcome, not everyone is so nice to me...





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Jan 07, 2023 Jan 07, 2023

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This thread got awfully long.

Indeed, get rid of that click box and add a Pausing point to the final Text button.

If my understanding is correct, the first Next button is hidden in Output (by the On Enter action since you have a Replay action or can allow to revisit the slide). It would become visible by the shared action triggered byt the end Next button. However that final Next button didn't have a pausing point at all. Add that pausing point and get rid of that Click box. There is even no need to hide the cover with the shared action because its timeline ends when the second Next button appears. I suppose both Next buttons have a different label to avoid confusion? And they do have a different goal as well? Are those in the same location?

Sorry, but I get desperate, still don't see the full picture. Probably due to the fact that you seem to have images on the master slide, use cover (s?) over those images, and try to force only the first view using a 'video' which may have overlooked some situations (happens a lot since videos need to be short and that puts limits on the efficiency). At the end 'simple' solutions may prove to become very complicated (like here) because of small changes in the setup.

Personallly I always use this approach to force a first view, with a shared action that can double as skipping the audio except on first visit. I have that shared action in a dedicated library with multiple shared actions which I use all the time in projects by opening that library as external library.


The problem with duplicate buttons (which I have used also in the past, many years ago) is that it works fine in a simple setup but you have to very cautious to include all possible situations. In this case: the narration, the possibility to Revist the slide, the Replay button etc..


I completely understand that you had to hurry. But hurry slow, it will spare you lot of time later on.  Do not just jump in but take the time to sketch all the situations (only moment I am using a pencil and paper) before starting in Captivate. Setting up a custom theme including Color palette, Theme fonts, some object styles and master slides (very important in your situation). You could have spared the so complicated Timeline panels you now have for the slides. 






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Community Beginner ,
Jan 10, 2023 Jan 10, 2023

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okay, so when i disable the custom Toggle cc button, with just the toggle cpcmndcc , everything works. it seems like every time C is selected and the mouse cursor is on the screen, a box or element of the slide gets outlined, then the timeline simply stops, and the audio continues. 


Theres nothing on the slide that does this. any thoughts? 





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Jan 10, 2023 Jan 10, 2023

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Will try to check it out again but so far I was not able to reproduce. Does the Toggle CC button have a pausing point (which it shouldn't have)?





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 10, 2023 Jan 10, 2023

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Just to give more parameters: our project is set to publish settings: 



We publish and upload our tests to either scorm cloud or review my elearning, and finally, we notice it happens when the audio is playing and we use the C key ( a shortcut key we assigned to the button that has the toggle cc cmd action) while the mouse is hovering on the screen, a black box seems to show up over any of the slide items 


Our slides range from 30-66 seconds in timing with ai audio


If you hit the C Key 1+ times ( lets say you are toggling CC)  while hovering over anything on the screen, it seems to pause the timeline but not the audio. 


We only have 2 pauses, at the end on the next button ( or using an untouchable click box at the absolute end) and the "On Enter" Trigger. 


Once learner enters, they select play to start audio and timeline and if they hit C, it continues audio, shows CC but somehow stops timeline in the background is my assumption. 







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Community Expert ,
Jan 11, 2023 Jan 11, 2023

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You use a simple Toggle action, which means that the option Continue playing the project is set to active in the default setup. Double-check please in the Properties panel of the Toggle button. If it was an advanced or shared action you could add Continue to the action.





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Jan 11, 2023 Jan 11, 2023

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This is accurate, as having that enabled would start playing the timeline when we don't want it to be played. ( IE just to toggle CC) 

Is this the only way for this to work? We must have the continue project checkbox active? 





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Jan 11, 2023 Jan 11, 2023

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Did you understand that I was talking about the Properties of the Toggle button, not about the On Enter event where you have a Pause command?





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Jan 11, 2023 Jan 11, 2023

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Yes, the toggle box is in the properties of the custom CC button: " Continue playing project" 


My question is: If that box is toggled on, it turns the CC button into a " Play" button. If a learner hits the CC button while the screen is paused, it will start playing the project. Leading the learner to believe this is a glitch. or am i misunderstanding this? 





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Community Expert ,
Jan 11, 2023 Jan 11, 2023

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You complain that the timeline will pause if that button is clicked, and now you complain that it will play when the timeline is paused. Create than a conditional action checking the status of cpCmndPause, and add the Continue only if that variable is equal to zero.





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Jan 11, 2023 Jan 11, 2023

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Ummm. Okay, thank you for your time. This has taken a lot of your time and I appreciate that. 

Thank you and take care. 





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