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Corrupted File

May 22, 2008 May 22, 2008

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Here are the facts: I’m running Captivate 2 on Windows XP Version 2002 (Service Pack 2) on a 2GHz processor with 2GB RAM and plenty of unused disk space (26GB free). MS Outlook is usually running while Captivate is open but no other apps. I’m connected to a corporate network and don’t know what might be going on undetected (virus scans, other apps auto checking for updates, etc.) and my Captivate file is huge. The file size is166MB, 497 slides; I know… it is enormous. Everyday I delete unused objects in the Library trying to stay as lean as possible. Even before this file was larger than 90MB I noticed serious response issues when opening and saving the file. Often during a save Captivate would hang and go into a “not responding” status and I’d end up being forced to use Task Manager to end the job. Considering my system sizes provided above, is my file size just too large? Are there limits to what one should expect from Captivate? Do I need additional memory to work with Captivate files of this size or even larger?

Many weeks ago, as this file kept growing in size, I split it into 4 separate files using buttons to launch the subsequent files. This reduced my file sizes, of course, but presented a new issue. When launching the subsequent files (using full screen –fs.htm) additional windows remain open that confuse the user. I don’t know how to dynamically close these windows to eliminate the confusion when the subsequent files are launched. Therefore I combined the 4 files back into 1 and it was huge once again. Other than the sluggish behavior on opening and saves things were fine for a couple of weeks but yesterday during my afternoon save the file became corrupted and I lost several hours worth of work. I unistalled Captivate then reinstalled thinking it may have been a software issue but it’s the file. I can open it but several features no longer work. For example I am unable to insert buttons or captions and existing captions will not open for editing. Some things still work like I can add a highlight box. Of course, if I add something it will no longer save without hanging then “not responding” and my work is hosed.

Today I will begin the tedious task of trying to piece things back together from older saved copies but am now gun-shy. Am I correct that it is probably the file size versus hardware capacities as well as Outlook or other applications running and unknown network activity that may conflict with Captivate? Or is there something else I need to consider?

Thanks for any words of wisdom.

Ken Metcalf






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Deleted User
May 27, 2008 May 27, 2008
jojolina (Andrew) answered my issue in another posting.



May 27, 2008 May 27, 2008

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jojolina (Andrew) answered my issue in another posting.





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New Here ,
Feb 27, 2024 Feb 27, 2024

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I have been using Adobe products since 2001. I recently got Captivate, and haven't managed to produce a single file yet. Whenever I try and do a software simulation, something goes wrong, either the app I am trying to record becomes unresponsive, the capture becomes extremely sluggish, sometimes you can't delete captured slides unless you exit the software and re-enter the software. And now, trying to record again, when I tried to re-open the file, I cannot access it. Where has the other recording methods gone? I can only get software simulation. How do I stack things horizontally, I can only stack one element vertically below the other. Even H5P is more reliable. 

On top of that, I cannot open any of the captivate files I've previousy created in older versions. I'm sorry, but this is horrible.





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Community Expert ,
Feb 27, 2024 Feb 27, 2024

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May I offer you some tips and answers?

For software simulations, install Captivate Classic and you'll be able to create them with the version without all the issues  of the new version. The workflow is pretty much the same, you don't need to learn anything else although the UI is bit different. I would never use a software sim in a responsive project, where Training/Assessment mode embed automatic panning and zooming which is not wanted for sure. Moreover you'll also be able to create a Video Demo if you only want passive video as output. It is like a clone of Camtasia and its output has a much higher quality. Its dedicated Video Demo Editor (non-destructive) has a lot more functionality as well.

It should be better announced that former versions are completely incompatible with the new version (and probably never will be). Upgrading is impossible and since the new version has no Project Library, doesn't open external libraries, recreating from scratch is a real pain. Forget also the roundtripping with PS, AU, AI.... because they are gone.





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