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I have a lot of experience with Captivate ten years ago. Articulate and Storyline in the intervening years. The demise of Flash changes the way things work.
Now I want to build some training for piano technicians. I have Captivate 2019. One question type I am trying to create is a multiple-choice question with four audio buttons, each button playing a different piano sound. Questions might be "Which of these intervals is a major sixth?" .. click button A, B, C, or D to hear the different intervals, then select answer A, B, C, or D.
Quiz questions can't have interactive objects? How do I get around this?
I just tried a different approach: creating an image slide with hotpots on the images of sound buttons A, B, C, and D, and attaching sounds to the hotspots. Then hotspots for each of the answers A, B, C, D, and these generate the normal "incorrect" or "correct" feedback. But I need four different sounds and it seems that the whole family of hotspots shares the same sound?
There will be several other such question types that will have several sounds activated by button-like objects. I do hope there's a way to do it, else I've wasted my subscription.
Any help? Many thanks in advance.
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Some details are missing. Which exact version of CP2019 do you use? There have been 6 releases. You find the full version number under Help, About Captivate.
Do you need to transfer the score to a LMS? That is also very important.
I have some ideas how to realize this, but want to explore them fully before posting an answer. Especially the answer about the LMS is important.
You missed a lot of new features in 10 years:
Have two solutions in mind, one by tweaking the default MCQ slide, another with a custom question slide. BTW I am a professional musician (flute).
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Thanks for responding, Lieve, I hoped you would. I've been reading your
blog in the last few days.
Captivate version
We will probably use Captivate Prime with (maybe) 50 seats? But yes most
likely there will be an LMS.
I don't think it's worthless, have just started playing with it, but have
not yet discovered how to attach different sounds to different objects on a
MCQ or a hotspot question. I created 8 hotspots, applied a sound to one of
them (on success play audio) and then that sound is called by all of them.
Now it's trial and error, or ask Lieve. Just get me started please.
Once the question type is designed, there will be a large library of such
audio questions and it may be nice to organize the library of sounds and
reuse them sometimes.
Thanks again..
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Hi Jason,
Please do not put your credentials on a public forum, as a moderator I took them out this time.
You may know that I live in Europe...
There is an update to your version, most recent version is
I will write out a blog for your sake with a step-by-step explanation. Since you want to report to a LMS, tweaking a quiz slide will be the most appropriate way, because you'll keep most features of those quiz slide. Will try to do it today.
You may store the audio clips in a dedicated Captivate project, and use them as external library in any project. If you want randomness, create some question pools. Here are some reading links;
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Many thanks Lieve. I await your help eagerly. I can’t tell whether i want
responsive or non-responsive, nor how to include DD questions in a quiz,
nor whether to start with a Theme or a Template, so I flounder. --
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..could not edit out my signature line, sorry..
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I took out your signature.
Blog is published on the eLearning community and has been approved this morning:
No music audio clips, but that is not important in this example. Hope you understand the workflow.