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As far as I'm concerned, I start 2022 as I finished 2021... with the COVID !... (Fortunately without any serious troubles...)
But I hope for all the Captivaters a happy new year, full of Captivations !... And a good health which is no doubt the most important...
Special thoughts to all the helpers of this community : Lieve, Greg, Paul, Rod, TLC, Gaanf...
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Désolé d'entendre que le virus (omnikron?) t'a mis en quarantaine pendant les fêtes de la fin d'année. Mais si les symptomes sont modérés, probablement grâce au vaccination, cela passera vite.
Merci pour vos voeux. Je te souhaite que 2022 soit plus favorable pour tous!
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I'm sorry to hear that, but hopefully, you will have plenty of antibodies to fight future infections. Stay safe, and have a happy New Year!
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Happy New Year to you as well.
Get well soon.