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I am trying to connect my Adobe Captivate XApi course to the LRS (YetAnalytics). I have very less information as to what should i add in this code of tc-onfig.js in the course files:
// Pre-configured LRSes that should receive data, added to what is included
// in the URL and/or passed to the constructor function.
// An array of objects where each object may have the following properties:
// endpoint: (including trailing slash '/')
// auth:
// allowFail: (boolean, default true)
// version: (string, defaults to high version supported by TinCanJS)
endpoint : "",
auth : "",
allowFail: ,
version: "",
Would really appreciate any help on this
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Adobe's out of the box support for xAPI is not intuitive. I have tried a bunch of times to get it to work and have never had much luck..........However, I have a beta version of a wrapper that with a bit of code modification makes using xAPI a snap....The final version will require no code manipulation. You can check out the wrapper at the git rep below .... The has step by step instructions for installation and a video walkthrough from a cohort call. This is all part of the Torrance Learning xAPI cohort which is in week 9 of 12, but never to late to join! This project is #team-captivate-js-library if you want to inetrface with me or the team directly.
Here is is git repo -
You can also check out a sample project that shows off how it works here.....
Keep in mind this is still Beta and has not been fully tested, but I do use it regularly in our production environment for work and it works well. Let me know what you think!
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Hi Brian - the demo link you provided is broken, would you have an alternative sample project to see this awesome concept in play?
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Sorry about that, originally hosted on the server in my closet that is now defunct.
Here are 2 youtube videos that look closer at the project -
Installation -
Demo -
Haven't done much with the repo in years, but happy to see folks are still checking it out....Feel free to hit me up if you have any questions.