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Issues loading various parts of a SCORM module

New Here ,
Mar 03, 2021 Mar 03, 2021

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Hi guys,

I am in the process of a testing a scalable Captivate 2019 project for school. The project consists of many objects and advanced actions per slide. I have published this Captivate zip file into a SCORM module using Moodle. I have tested the project on various devices including PC, Mac, iPad, and an old laptop. I have also tested it on various browsers. My personal testing has had no issues with loading or performing advanced actions. 


However, upon letting other students attempt the module, they have had various issues. For example, some noted that certain slides would only display some objects, leaving a relatively blank screen. They have also noted that some advanced actions did not work correctly. Finally, they had sometimes had issues with audio cutting out early (although I know this is a known issue). There feedback has been inconsistent, where each user is experiencing different issues. Refreshing the module seems to helo a bit, but it does not completely fix everything in most cases. 


I do not know how to troubleshoot the issues because I can't replicate them on my end. Any help would be greatly appreciated!








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Community Expert ,
Mar 03, 2021 Mar 03, 2021

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Did you test the output on SCORM Cloud? It is possible that the issues occur due to the LMS, not to Captivate.


Avoid too many advanced actions. In most projects lot of them can be replaced by shared actions which don't suffer of a lot of problems caused by a big amount of advanced actions and variables.  This comment is based on my experiences as consultant when having to solve issues with complicated projects.


For the audio, if inserted as slide audio leave a gap before and after the audio timeline.






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