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We are pleased to announce that we have released the first update to the all-new Adobe Captivate. This update contains bug fixes and some other improvements.
What are the bug fixes
See the release notes for the 12.1 update for more information.
What are the new build numbers
Please update Adobe Captivate today. If you want to send us feedback, report bugs, or request an enhancement, visit the Captivate user voice.
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I am not sure if this has already been reported, but ran into a bug when working with bookmarks in Slide Video. Once a bookmark is set, every time I try going back to move along the timeline, it does not respond - very slow. In addition, every time I link the bookmark to a Knowledge Check question slide, it creates a random title in the Interaction Properties. Hope you can fix this issue soon! Thanks!
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@TW16 Is this in relation of the new update?
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Can you check the exact version you are using under 'Help, About Captivate'? There are already two releases for the new Captivate 12. It is not possible to detect which version you are using from your question, because slide video also has bookmark features in Captivate Classic. However I find it weird that you are linking to a separate KC slide, because interactive video allows to have KC slides in overlay. Any reason why you didn't use that feature?
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@Lilybiri Ah yes...Overlay - I intentionally avoided it. Though I found ways to work around couple bugs, but I still ran into more. I was using Captivate 2023 12.1.
Problem: The video does not synch with the KC slide using bookmark overlays, sometimes it cut off the video and go to KC; sometimes it cut completely cut off the video toward the end; sometimes I can not even select the answers in the KC (even) without scrolling the screen).
More problem: using an intended timestamp to place the bookmark you want does not accurately stop the video where you intended to, the timeline is off.
Solution - Setting action event to "Pause Timeline" and it appeared to help with video pausing.
More problem - However, the inability to select an answer in both using latest Chrome or latest Edge browser still doesn't work at random time.
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@Lilybiri Additional details of my project:
Slide 1 - 5 minutes mp4 video file locally linked (80MB)
Slide 2-8 - Knowledge Check questions
Problem: Vimeo embedded link of the video created alot of out of synch problems as I mentioned above.
Solution: Local embedded file of the video decreases the problems, but still occur.
7 people in my team tested, and everyone ran into different issues at different area during the test. (Refer to reply above for detail specs from our test). I have a bug log if you are interested to take look.
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My answer was aimed at 11.5 or 11.8 versions, not at version 12. That is a big problem now in this forum because both versions are so different.
I am exploring bookmarks in both versions for a blog post but it is very frustrating in version 12. Lot of what was possible in previous versions is either excluded or is so buggy that it is useless.
BTW there is an update to version available.
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Totally aware of the 12.2 update. Thanks. But I'm also waiting on an answer for problem with that. I will link you to my question in another post.
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I should have kept my promise to never answer a question about version 12. 'They' promised to have experts in that version around here, but I am still waiting since 5 months. As moderator here it feels not good to leave so many users with unanswered questions, but know that I feel very comfortable with version 11.5.5 but not with the later versions.
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Is Version 11.5.5 Captivate 2019 or 2023? What is the current version of Captivate 2019?
I just bought license for 2023 at ver 21.1.
Would you advise that ver 11.5.5 you are referring to is "bug-free" to set up my project scenario? I am open to try older versions if you confidently say yes to that.
Project scenario:
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Most recent version is All versions starting with 11 ar under the common name CP2019. I don't think that the name CP2023 is 'official'. Under CP2019 there were three main releases: 11.0, 11.5 and 11.8. Lot of patch releases in between.
I use for my clients. It is one of the multiple releases under the common name CP2019. I use Captivate since almost two decades, and to me it is the most stable version I ever had.
However you cannot have that version on the same system as version 12 because the structure of the install files doesn't support two versions with different extensions. It had the logo-icon which is now used for version 12. If you need to have a parallel installation you need to update CP2019 to 11.8.2 which will be renamed to Captivate Classic. However that version lost some features (not all due to SWF) and is more buggy.
I keep version on my laptop, and installed the new version with Captivate Classic on my Surface Pro (discovered with the help of an Adobe staff member, that Captivate has issues with the Surface because of its two cameras). I use Surface Pro for testing out version 12 and the CpC version but not (yet) for any professional work.
A video file of 80MB is rather big. Just to demonstrate you may have a look at this interactive video which I created a couple of years ago.
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Thanks. I am watching it.
On that note about 80MB being large, would/is that a factor contributing to the bugs either in Cap2019 or Cap2023? If that causes problems even using ver 11.5, or 11.8, or 21.0, or 22.2 - it would be helpful to find that out. Because I am open to segmenting the video file out to several slides, or downsize - whatever it requires to have this working properly.
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Unfortunately the link has been buffering the last 5 minutes.... video still hasn't played....
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There is no version 21, the most recent is 12. Why they ever started to use two names for releases since CP2017, which was version 10 is a mystery to me. It just confuses everyone.
In that example the video is 47MB, just checked it out. It was created with 11.0. I added some advanced actions to create the menu on top. I don't think a video of 80MB is the cause of bugs, but it may lead to longer loading time. It all depends on which device is used to watch the output. I just wanted to show you an example of an interactive video, with overlay slides in an older version of Captivate. I should have provided you with the size of the video (which I created using Video Demo in that same version, a feature lacking in version 12).