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Locking aspect ratio in new Adobe Captivate

New Here ,
Oct 09, 2023 Oct 09, 2023

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Is there a way to lock the aspect ratio of a whole project in the new Adobe Captivate release? When I publish projects that formatting changes whenever I resize my screen.


In a similar vein, is there a way to change the project size to a custom specification? Currently I only have generic size options for monitor, tablet or phone.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Oct 10, 2023 Oct 10, 2023

The big problem is to understand the meaning of 'responsive'. It means that each slide needs to be able to be viewed on all type of devices, with any browser resolution. How would it look on a phone or tablet when switching from Landscape to Portrait if the aspect ratio was locked? 

Captivate had up till now 3 ways of creating responsive projects: Breakpoint views, Fluid Boxes and now the template and block-approach in version 12; with each new release the control over the design decreased and t




Community Expert ,
Oct 10, 2023 Oct 10, 2023

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The big problem is to understand the meaning of 'responsive'. It means that each slide needs to be able to be viewed on all type of devices, with any browser resolution. How would it look on a phone or tablet when switching from Landscape to Portrait if the aspect ratio was locked? 

Captivate had up till now 3 ways of creating responsive projects: Breakpoint views, Fluid Boxes and now the template and block-approach in version 12; with each new release the control over the design decreased and the amount of work as well. With Breakpoint views the developer had control over up to 3 resolutions but it took way longer to create an test a project. With the most recent release of Fluid Boxes, it became possible to use Position Properties for some slides which would have helped you with this request. However in the new release control is almost completely left over to the application.

If you want a custom specification you'll need to get back to Captivate Classic, create a new non-responsive project and publish it to HTML with 'rescalable' activated. It is still my approach for most projects. Only drawback: you need to warn the learner to use landscape mode on any device.





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