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Motion paths (all effects) on slide entry FAO LilyBiri

Explorer ,
Oct 14, 2022 Oct 14, 2022

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Lily - as requested, new thread for question asked 🙂 btw - im in UK so roughly same timeline - was not expecting an response at midnight! 😄


copied from other thread:

Lily - question for you as this is driving me mad....
I have a slide with shapes on... and a button. when i enter the slide, i want those shapes to show (by default) on entry, as well as the button... when i press the button, the shapes move (think like a button that you press and the doors slide open, thats the kind of thing im going for here. When the button is pressed, the sliding doors part, revealing the 'stage and content' behind it'


I have created an advanced action, with motion paths for the shapes (custom ones that will move to the scrap area once the motion has been completed ), a variable for the button, all imported etc and all is working... problem is... the animation starts as soon as i enter the slide and i cant stop it. how do i get it so that the shapes are there... but they wait for the button to be pressed before 'doing the motion? .


Currently, i enter the slide, it either - plays for a second leaving the doors half open..until i press the button......Or, if i pause the slide on entry... the shapes are not there but he button is(?) but when the button is pressed the shapes  magically appears and it all works!



also - ive attached better shot of the action and..... whats a booleon?? 😄







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Oct 14, 2022 Oct 14, 2022

Sorry, but I am ready to give up. I know the content of the Certification course rather well, and it didn't prepare you at all for what you want to achieve here. 

None of your objects are labeled properly which increases the difficulties to understand. The shape button Smart..._82 iss the button triggering the doors action. Why is it pausing the playhead at 0.3secs? 


Variable has a default value of 0.  Looking at your advanced action, this means that nothing will happen when the button is clic




Community Expert ,
Oct 14, 2022 Oct 14, 2022

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Thanks for starting a new thread, because this is a new problem.

Please use the Preview window of the Advanced action in a screenshot, because I see that not all the commands are visible (there is a scrollbar). Use this button:


You mention custom effects, but I only see default effects in the advanced action. It was the reason I asked to see the stage with all the motion paths visible. A custom effect has a custom name, not just 'Left to Right', and all parameters are defined in the effect, not entered in the Advanced action.


A Boolean variable has only two possible values: True/False, Yes/No or the most used: 1/0. It is the variable for which the Toggle action is valid to switch between the two values. I thought your variable 'Doorlock' was such a Boolean, and wondered if you use it to track the status of the doors? How do you change its value?





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Explorer ,
Oct 14, 2022 Oct 14, 2022

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Hi Lily - thanks for looking at this


So, see attached screenshot of action, i didnt know about that preview button so thats useful to know 🙂 if im honest, ive tried a few thing to get it to work... im not even sure thats correct myself now 😄


Motions... so, yes these were created and selected from the applyeffect>custom> slidedoorleft/slidedoorright etc paths i had created and setup (to ensure they went as far as i needed)... however... when i go into the action like you see on the screenshot, they revert to the names 'right to left' or left to right'... if i pick them manually again to the name i gave them, it changes... but then goes back when i go into the action settings again? 


see also screenshot of slide area showing paths for the motions.... ive not got the full screen as you can see for the up arrow but essentially, it does the same as the down one. The idea is, when the button (selected in screenshot) is selected - the 2 green boxes will change state and slide out of screen... once they have dissappeared, the 2 glass doors will slide open (creating some sort of futuristic looking door lock feel - which reveals the bacground... hope thta makes sense!?







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Community Expert ,
Oct 14, 2022 Oct 14, 2022

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Sorry, still not clear to me. Listing up:

  1. What is the role of the variable?  Which other event can set it to something different from 1?
  2. You have 4 shapes which are all moving in a horizontal motion path, in pairs: one left, one right. Have no idea of their size.
  3. How are the vertical motion paths involved? 
  4. Did you delete the motion effects from the Timeline? I have seen a partial timeline screenshot in the other thread, where the Effects used during the setup were not yet deleted. When posting Timeline screenshots, please expand all collapsed items (groups, effects).

Maybe have a look at this post, where I use a variable and custom effects to create a sliding in/out shape:







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Explorer ,
Oct 14, 2022 Oct 14, 2022

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  1. What is the role of the variable?  Which other event can set it to something different from 1?
    No other event - my thinking was that the variable in this case would hold the the shapes on the screen until the button was pressed - at which point the motions begin. ideally id like the button to then disapear so the doors can not be closed again
  2. You have 4 shapes which are all moving in a horizontal motion path, in pairs: one left, one right. Have no idea of their size.
    I dont know what you mean by size? they just go into the scrap area?
  3. How are the vertical motion paths involved? 
    So the 2 are the green locks - one moves up, one moves down (as i couldnt fnd a 'down to up' or 'up to down' motion path , i used a L2R or R2L arrows and redirectioned it to appear like one went up, one went down.
  4. Did you delete the motion effects from the Timeline? I have seen a partial timeline screenshot in the other thread, where the Effects used during the setup were not yet deleted. When posting Timeline screenshots, please expand all collapsed items (groups, effects).





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Community Expert ,
Oct 14, 2022 Oct 14, 2022

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It becomes difficult now. You don't understand the role of a variable apparently. A variable can only store values, which can be numbers, the toggling booleans I explained or text (string). Look at the system variables. Here is an introduction:


Indeed your variable could be used to prevent multiple use of the button, but it would have been easier to disable or even hide the button once it is used on the slide, and enable or show it again with the On Enter event action. Did you give it a default value? 


Size of any object in a web application is in px, both height and width. Are those shapes rectangles? Why 4?


Since the motion effect (up/down) on the locks are not in your action, I presume that they are time-based and should be visible in the Timeline. Another reason to show a FULL view of the Timeline with everything expanded.


The fact that you see something happening before the button is clicked, means that you didn't erase the effects from the timeline. Since they are interrupted, I suspect you have a pausing point, probably on the button.That pausing point by default is set at 1.5 secs. Another reason to post a FULL screenshot of the Timeline. You didn't answer about having deleted the original effects which you now put in the advanced actions? That was clearly stipulated in the workflow described in the post about custom effects in advanced actions.


Did you read the Gliding Menu post? 







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Explorer ,
Oct 14, 2022 Oct 14, 2022

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Hi Lily,


OK so... whilst im sure i have a lot to learn about variables... im not sure what is incorrect here. but maybe i ve got it wrong?

my 'user' variable has a setting of '0'. my undertanding is that when the button is clicked, it will go to '1' - thi sis why i have said, if 1 then do these actions, 'else' stay as 0. it works! i ihave it looking how i want it to and it does what i ask it too.... except, the doors and the green slider things are not there when i enter the slide.... i press the button, they appear and they perform the action i want.


Not sure i understand what you are asking about the rectangles - why 4?

because i want 4 for the doors and the locks - are you asking why 4.. as opposed to 2? 


I have removed all motions as suggested from the shapes... the only motions applied to any shapes on the screen are now within the advanced action that is set on the button. 


ive attached a couple of screenshots again.... one of timeline, the other showing the final look although obv wont give full effect, but just to show the stage with no doors... when the button prossed it works as expected.


ive not read anything yet but thank you for the links - i will get to them asap - the system variables i already have though as they were given at the cativate certification course last week (although prob as not much depth) 🙂






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Community Expert ,
Oct 14, 2022 Oct 14, 2022

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Sorry, but I am ready to give up. I know the content of the Certification course rather well, and it didn't prepare you at all for what you want to achieve here. 

None of your objects are labeled properly which increases the difficulties to understand. The shape button Smart..._82 iss the button triggering the doors action. Why is it pausing the playhead at 0.3secs? 


Variable has a default value of 0.  Looking at your advanced action, this means that nothing will happen when the button is clicked the first time. There is no need to have a Pause command at all because an advanced action never releases the play head, contrary to a simple action. When the button is clicked the second time, the play head is released (Continue command) and moves on. If the 'button' is indeed that smartshape_182 that means that it will disappear at 1sec and the buttons _93 and _94 appear. Play head will pause at the pausing point of those buttons, which is at 3.7 secs. You have 4 shapes to which you apply 4 motion effects, two immediately after the release of the play button and two 3secs later. Names in the action and the timeline are different. 


Try to read some blog posts. Without seeing your project it seems impossible to understand completely what you want to do but I don't accept downloading a project for debugging. That is what I do in real jobs, not in a public forum. I have tried  to help you but it feels like I am speaking in another language... 






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