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Need halp with effects / timing

Participant ,
Dec 11, 2020 Dec 11, 2020

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Captivate 2019


I've recently updated from captivate 9 to 2019. There was some behavior in 9, that I was hoping would go away regarding the effects, but the same issue is occuring for me. I'm publsihing to SCORM 1.2 / html. I'm starting to think Im doing something wrong or missing somethinat everyone else knows about. Anyways, often when an effect is applied, the object will flash, then the effect takes places as scheduled. Sometimes the effect is an exit effect placed at the end of the object, but it will flash the frame before the object appears. The strange thing I'm noticiing is a project might have mutlipe objects with effects such as strech in from right. After reublish a some will have this issue and some won't, and the republish changes which objects are affected.

My use case is a project with a smart shape with a collapse to right exit effect and another slide has a button with a strecth from right entreence effect. 

Republishing may reverse the behavior, eliminate it, or change/return it.

Besides the irruglarity on subsequent publishings, why is it happening? What can I do to prevent it?








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Community Expert ,
Dec 11, 2020 Dec 11, 2020

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Indeed that 'flickering' is an old pain, even older than CP9. It more often occurs with shapes (and SVGs) than with other objects and is very annoying but inconsistent.

An old workaround which helps sometimes is to add a Fade in or Fade out transition depending on the type of Effect. Another workaround in most recent versions is to hide the object, use an advanced action which first applies the Effect, then Delay Next Actions for a short time followed by Show object.

Don't ask me Why this happens, have given up to ask that question.





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