Need to make a simulation responsive in Captivate 12
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I was trying to do a simulation project in Captivate 12 and I couldn´t.
Then I tried with to do it with Captivate classic , but I don´t know how to make it responsive.
For last, I did the project with Captivate classic (published in MP4 video) and then I insert it like a Video in Captivate 12.
Niether of them worked.
Can you help me with this problem?
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What exactly do you mean by "I was trying to do a simulation project in Captivate 12 and I couldn't"? Why not?
What exactly do you mean by "[I] published in MP4 video... and then I insert it like a Video in Captivate 12. Niether of them worked"?
Projects in Adobe Captivate [12] are responsive automatically. You do not need to do anything to make it responsive. When you create a new project in Captivate, you can select "New simulation" from the new project window to screen record / create a simulation. Even if you bring in an MP4, you'd probably want to use the Slide Video component and when you publish, the resulting file is responsive.
If you are having problems, you may want to provide a little more detail in the steps/results; and include screenshots.
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Hi, thank you for your answer.
I made a project in Captivate 12 as a simulation, I chose different ways of recording. With none of them I can make the project responsive. It only looks good on desktop. What do I need to define?
Regarding the mp4, I recorded a simulation in Captivate Classic 12 and inserted it into a video-type slide in Captivate 12, I couldn't make it responsive, either. Thank you
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Projects built in Captivate 12 are all responsive. There's nothing that needs to be done to make them responsive when authoring or publishing. You can change the look/feel on each device type (e.g. change the font size separately, based on the device). I don't know how you expect it to look different on tablet or phone vs desktop. Could you provide a screenshot? Otherwise, maybe others, including Adobe Support understands what you mean and can respond.
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Sorry for the delay in responding. We have had several holidays, so we have not worked.
We created the project as a simulation in Captivate 12 and in the preview it can be seen that it is not responsive. I am sending 3 images, on desktop, tablet and phone where it can be seen that it does not behave responsively.
Thanks you for all your help.