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Im here on a 30 day trial to see if Captivate fits my companies needs. We make interactive video elearning. Our needs are simple but specific. We try to never "leave the film" and make it seamless. All programmers now busy for a few months we needa fast tool to quickly replace them for a bit.
I launched Captivate with the intention of attempting a simple demo. In my view, nothing too hard.
1. play a video
2 pause on final frame
3 display 2 or more exercise buttons over final frame (OK if I have ot kludge a work around here, using a png of final frame, used to that) OR even better, display a "loop video" as the background of the exercise.
4. User chooses a button, depending on which a new video plays, a different video per button.
5. Simple abilities to show a text page and a quiz, and Im done.
I was stumped at the first hurdle...
I imported my forst video...
and cant find it, just a black screen... I have to drag and scroll about using the scroll bars and there it is, half off some kind of page... I click it, hoping to be able to move it back.. it vanishes...
Now it onlt gets worse.
I add a button, never see that again
I import a complete drag and drop exercise from the asset store, cant find it.. just black...
Weirdly I stumple accros the Live Preview on device function and try it... and after scanning the QR code, it works on my phone... flawlessly!!! Even flipping and filling screen correctly in a responsive way...
So what is this? Can Captivate even run on my super dooper newish 16-inch, 2019
2,6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4 MacBook Pro ?
I had high hopes for Adobe, (Beause, seriosuly.. Elucidat seriosly sucks) I am a long time CC user but what is this?
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I have something to add to my own post above.
Im a seasoned user of many tools so of course I just dived in, no tutorial. So I thought Id look for a beginners course and just follw along in case I was missing something crucial.
So STEP ONE.. opening a responsive project template, the yputuber I was following showed this screen.
Immedialty I see a problem...
Heres a screenshot from MY project
As you can see I have a problem! Its not even displaying a page.
Is this a known issue?
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Please check the current version you are using. You can find the full version number under Help, About Captivate.
You need to be on version 11.8 to cope with your Mac system. That version is subscription only.
As for an interactive video: you need to insert the video as slide video, not as event video. For slide video you have all what is necessary to create an interactive video. Here is a blog post with some tips for interactive video, how to use the bookmarks and overlay slides:
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Thanks Lilybiri
Do you know why theres no 30 day trial available? Im trying many tools now and cant buy them all, captivate wont be given a chance if I cant try it out first.
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Seems you were right. The trial version is only 11.5. Thats a great shame.
Thanks for your link to your very instructive blog. I have saved that link for sure. Its seems like unfortunately Captivate might be a bit complex for our needs right now, however I was interested to see the VR addition. and rather want to try that out as we would dearly like to get into 360 video training. (I dont call that VR actually, but I wont be picky just here ha ha).
Captivate is down as a "check back later" item for me now... mostly due to the lack of a trial version.
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Since I am just a user, cannot help you with that license. It is indeed a shame...
Forgot something: which Preview method did you use? You probably are on a non-responsive project. In that case you should use only F11, Preview HTML in Browser as valid preview method. As a Mac user you may prefer Safari as browser, but I would recommend to test out other browsers. Safari is not the 'best' at all.
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>which Preview method did you use?
To be honest I didnt really even get there. Eveything was showing up bacl as in the screen shot above. Once, when I did have a video loaded, it showed up in the thumbnails on the left, but nothing in the central window, just Black. It was then that I attempted the "Live Preview on device" function, and I scanned a QR code on my iPhone and the video played nicely, as mentioned, even rotatine correctly as I rotated the phone. So at that p
oint I was optomistic.
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PC will not be a problem. I still run version 11.5 on a 13years old desktop PC which is still on Win7. Bit slow, but Captivate works happily. I use it mostly to record video demo.
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I keep coming up with additional things to add... sorry @Lilybiri last one I promise!
Just out of interest, Will I be ok running Captivate on a few years old PC? Id have to dust it off, and wait 2 days for all teh updates to allpy, but Im keen to check it out. What specs would I need for the latest VR compatible Captivate to run on PC?
Thanks again...
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Here are the minimum requirements but for the best experience, it would be ideal to have more memory than the minimum.