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problem with pictures in Captivate

New Here ,
Jan 15, 2021 Jan 15, 2021

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We have some problem with showing picture in our courses in Captivate 2019

Pictures shows not correct or not shows at all

If we make new project in Captivate 2019 - everything work fine. But when we take CPTX file that was made in Captivate 5 - all pictures in the test starts to work bad (mix with pictues from other slides or wrong size, wrong place or don't show at all. Everything was fine while we were use Flash player, but after EOL Flash we started to use HTML5 player and we faced with problem with pictures in our course. We update Capivate to 2019 version and take old CPTX files, but in HTML5 player faced with strange showing of pictures. 

 Is anybody else got the same issue or maybe there is some recomendations for update Cativate 5 files to Catpivate 2019?






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Community Expert ,
Jan 15, 2021 Jan 15, 2021

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The normal recommendation is not to upgrade by jumping so many different versions.  Captivate version 5 was the first version to use the CPTX file format so I would expect that there have been a lot of minor updates and changes over the years to the underlyng code.


To resolve this issue I think you may need to export your pictures to files on your hard drive, then change their names slightly (e.g add a number on the end) and reimport them back into Captivate to replace each of the previous photos.  


Do a test on one project to quickly find out whether this method works.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 16, 2021 Jan 16, 2021

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My recommendation would be: do not update by opening in CP2019 but recreate from scratch. You can use the Library of the old file as External Library in the new project. Depending on the complexity of the original file, this may prove to take less time than updating the existing file. Too many changes have occurred since CP5: Themes have been released with Captivate 6 and have been updated several times, with the most recent update in 11.5 (second big release under CP2019). Captivate's HTML5 output is native, HTML doesn't use a HTML5 player as some concurrents. Lot of features need to be replaced when facing HTML output. Many have been added which could simplify the development: use of some button types on master slides or timed for the rest of the project is just one example,. At the same time you could reflect if you want access to the tutorials from multiple devices which would also lead to excluding all rollovers. 

If you insist on updating, it is recommended to update in steps: from CP5 to CP7, from CP7 to CP9 and then from 9 to 11.5. Some types of slides are particularly sensitive: Quiz slides are in that case. Do not update a CP5 quiz slide to version 11.5,, recreate it.





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