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Review Mode Captivate/Moodle Question

Explorer ,
May 09, 2023 May 09, 2023

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EDIT: I was wrong--I think all the course DO show up in review mode after you complete the quiz at the end (I hadn't actually filled out the quizzes for most of the lessons that I reviewed). And I found the settings I needed in Moodle, so I believe I am set. Thanks!


Hi all! My employer has a bunch of Captivate courses in one mega class, using Moodle as our LMS. Some of the courses show up with "Review Mode" in the left hand corner upon opening, while others don't. I have completed all of these courses before, so I'm not sure why only some of them do it. My employer would like none of them to do it, but they would still like the learner to be able to pick up where they left off, which you can currently do in the courses that don't say "Review Mode."


I compared the Publish settings in Captivate for a course that shows up in Review Mode and one that does not, and they appear to be identical to each other. But the settings in the same 2 Moodle courses appear to be the same too. I'm at a loss! What am I overlooking?






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , May 09, 2023 May 09, 2023

I have seen that you edited the question, but nevertheless want to offer you some explanation and a link.


Review mode exists for SCORM courses where a score can be obtained. That doesn't need to be a quiz, interactive objects can be scored as well. Typical example is a Software simultion in Training or Assessment mode, where the click boxes and Text Entry Boxes are scored. 

The Review button to start the review is on the Results slide, which needs to be present. In Review mode only the slides




Community Expert ,
May 09, 2023 May 09, 2023

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I have seen that you edited the question, but nevertheless want to offer you some explanation and a link.


Review mode exists for SCORM courses where a score can be obtained. That doesn't need to be a quiz, interactive objects can be scored as well. Typical example is a Software simultion in Training or Assessment mode, where the click boxes and Text Entry Boxes are scored. 

The Review button to start the review is on the Results slide, which needs to be present. In Review mode only the slides with a score will be shown, and navigation will be done by Review Navigation buttons which you'll see on the Results master slide, and only appear during Review. BTW there is a Boolean system variable cpInReviewMode which is toggled to 1 when in Preview. 

For quiz slides Review mode will add checkmarks to indicate the given answer and the correct answer. That is not the case for other scored slides (like Drag&Drop) or objects. If you want the same info for a Drag&Dropo slide which is scored, have a look at this blog post:


If you have multiple attempts on quiz level, it is important to know that if the learner clicks the Review button, all further attempts at quiz level (started with Retake button) are considered to be gone. For that reason I always recommend to drag the Review button under the Retake button which is possible on the Results slide or on the Results master slide.







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Explorer ,
May 09, 2023 May 09, 2023

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Thanks for that very helpful info! 





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