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I have a page where audio is playing, and then an image and a button display half way through. The button triggers an Advanced Action that displays another image, the Forward button, and also triggers audio to play.
However, I can't seem to get my main audio to stop playing once the learner triggers the second piece of audio. I had tried adding "Stop Triggered Audio" to my advanced action, but that didn't stop my main audio.
Any ideas?
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I suppose you are talking about slide audio? You cannot stop it, the only possible control is to mute it, but that means that all audio is muted. Only when using object audio or the command Play Audio it is possible to stop audio when another clip has to play. Stop Triggered Audio will only stop an audio clip that has been started with the command Play Audio, it will never stop slide audio.
But if you need CC, the only easy way is for slide audio.
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It's been a while since this was posted but I was struggling with this as well and just found the solution.
I don't know which version of Captivate you are using but in Captivate 9 this is trivial. For interactive elements on the stage, such as links and smart shapes etc., there is an option to stop the slide audio. Select your button -> go to the "Options" section -> select the check box "Stop Slide Audio" -> in the contextual dropdown, select when you want it to stop (I am assuming "When Clicked" is what you're looking for).
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Yes, it is possible to stop slide audio, but only when the pause occurs for an interactive object. The automatic pauses that exist on quiz slides, score slide, Drag&Drop slide do not have that button. This tip and more to be found in my most recent blog post:
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I have been struggling with this issue (although my scenario is somewhat different) and I found a solution . . . at least for my issue. So I have audio playing on a slide when the slide appears. There is also a smart shape with text that appears when the slide appears. The audio is linked to that smart shape. The user has the option of clicking a button to move to the next slide or clicking a different button to skip over that next slide. If the user chooses to go to the next slide I give her the option of returning to the original slide, but I don't want that audio to play again on the original slide because she's already heard it.
What I ended up doing was, as I mentioned, having the audio triggered by the appearance of the smart shape. There is an advanced action attached to a button that takes the user to the next slide with a variable that gets a value of 1 when the button is clicked. There is also an advanced action on the initial slide that is triggered by the slide's entry, that checks to see if that value is 1. If it is, it hides the smart shape with the text (and turns off the audio attached to that object). And it shows a different smart shape that informs the user how to proceed.
I don't know if this makes sense or if it helps at all. I'm hoping it might.
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I am years late to this post but thought I would add the solution I came up with for a similar situation in Captivate 2019 in case it helps anyone. I basically have a screen with slide audio which I am using as a menu for people to select buttons (actually a button over a part of a graphic) to go to alternate screens. As they return, I have it place a check mark next to the clicked item. I wanted to do this so people could be free to go back and forth between topics and revisit only topics they wanted to but still have a record of the topics they visited. I had to have Slide Audio because I have to have Closed Captions so the solution of using a Play Audio trigger for an object would not work. Here is what I did. I set up variables for each of the topics/buttons people visited. I already had an Advanced Action for the slide which I called Screen##Entry and was using that to check for changes to variables to determine whether it should put a check mark next to the various items on the screen if they had been visited. However, whenever people returned ot the original screen, it replayed the slide audio which was super annoying. The audio did contain information not shown on the screen but they did not need to hear it more than once. To solve it I set up another conditional action in my Screen#Entry Advanced Action which checked to see if any of the variables had been populated. If any of them had, I set the slide to Pause. This worked for me and hopefully may work for others. The only caveats is my modules are set for people to click on a custom Next button to move from screen to screen. If you have a self-playing module that advances on its own, this probably would not work. Also, if people re-accessed the course or went backwards, the audio and the Closed Captioning would not play again so that could be a potential issue for some. I hope that makes sense.