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Submit button changing to normal button

Community Beginner ,
May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021

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Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has come across this before and how you fixed it.

I have a simulation with a bunch of slides (maybe 12 out of 70) that have a text entry field along with validation and a submit button on them. However after fixing little bits on the entire project and I review the text entry slides, I find that whole sections (not all text entry slides) have the Submit button changed to a normal button. So of course it doesn't validate the text entry and just continues to the next slide when clicked. 

When I click on the text entry field, I find that the Show Button box has been unticked. I then tick it and it brings up a new Submit button. I then have to go and realign it and delete the other - now normal - button.

I have no idea whats causing it as I haven't touched these slides besides looking at them. 

Can anyone think of what I may be doing wrong to cause this? Is it something I'm doing on a separate slide possibly? To my knowledge I haven't clicked on the "Apply to all items of the same style" button.






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May 15, 2021 May 15, 2021

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You don't get any answer. That mostly indicates that what you describe is very unusual or... details are missing. I believe you give enough details, but during the 12 years of my daily activity in this and other forums, I have never seen this case popping up.  Having an embedded Submit button automatically replace by a 'normal' button, which is visible on the Timeline (what is not the case for the Submit button)?  My logical mind and my Captivate intuition both tell me that this is impossible. Nothing is impossible however in software, but having this happen without any developer's action? 

Submit button for a TEB is an 'old' type of button. In all themes packaged with Captivate this will mean a button of the type 'Text Button'. That is also the default type for normal buttons. Was the replaced button of that type? Can you confirm you did see it on the Timeline? Did you set another old type of button to be the default style?

More about the button types in:







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Community Beginner ,
May 16, 2021 May 16, 2021

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Thanks Lilybiri,

The only details that might be missing is that I am using a sort of template - so that the text entry field, failure message, submit button are on slide 1 (that we have hidden), then when we need this we copy and paste them into the slide where its needed. However I don't believe this makes a difference as slide 1 (and other slides) still have the correct text entry fields and submit buttons. Although - is it possible constant copy/pasting would break something? e.g. the submit button has a fallback type if something breaks or it errors?

Sorry Im unsure of the type of button it was replaced with as I have now deleted them and fixed the issue. However i do remember that it was a normal button with Actions tab (unlike the Submit button), and it wasn't an image button. So I guess a text button or Transparent button type. 

You ask if I set another old type of button to be the default? Can you explain what this means?





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May 17, 2021 May 17, 2021

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Rather new to Captivate? I am asking this because you seem to ignore the power of Object styles? 

Whenever you add an object to a Captivate slide it will get the default style for that object. The default style is set in the Theme, but you can always switch to another non-default style for one or more individual objects.  You find more explanation about the Object styles in:


You can create an object style from an example on the slide or in the Object Style manager. For each object you can set a Default style:



Whenever possible I avoid Copy/Paste (using Windows clipboard), which stems from many disagreeable experiences in my long career with Win (and previously DOS).  Captivate has a Duplicate functionality which you should prefer. It exists for slides as well (CTRL-D), not only for objects.

Especially in this case, where you are dealing with an interactive object (Text Entry Box) which can have attached actions (Success and Last Attempt), and an associated variable, you should be very careful with copy/paste. I hope you are not working with a real template file (cptl) because those are very buggy.





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Community Beginner ,
May 17, 2021 May 17, 2021

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Yes, I'm fairly new to Captivate. Thanks for the above references! You have written very clear and well made articles on Themes and Object styles. I recommend anyone to view these to get a better understanding of them.


For my personal case, yes I am aware of the theme and object style manager. And these are not affecting my issue as the default style is not the same as what its converting to. I guess I'll just wait to see when it happens again and record my steps so that I can trace back where its happening.


In reference to the last paragraph. I wasn't aware of the Ctrl+D. However when If I highlight the Text entry box, Submit button, and failure text, and press ctrl+d, then it only duplicates it onto that one slide - but not onto other slides? Also it adds a second Submit button? Why would it add a second button when there is already a submit button there? Both appear to be attached to the text entry field as when I click on them individually, they highlight the text entry field in blue.

I am using a .cptx file as the template.





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May 18, 2021 May 18, 2021

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I was referring to CTRL-D for duplicating slides. That means that you cannot have anything selected on the slide, use the filmstrip to select a slide and use CTRL-D. You can then rename the duplicate slide and move it to any place in the filmstrip. That as an alternative to your Copy/paste workflow for the slide.

You did select a TEB and duplicated it, logically it will need a Submit button as well. When using CTRL-D on an object, it will be duplicated with all its functionality on the same slide. But there will be a new generic name for the object.

I still suspect that the button it was converting to uses the same default button style as the Submit button for the TEB. Why do you think that is not the case? The only difference will be that the one attached to the TEB has no individual timeline, whereas it is possible that the new button has one. You couldn't confirm this however.





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Community Beginner ,
May 18, 2021 May 18, 2021

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Oh use Ctrl+D to copy slides, I understand. 

The converted button may possibly still have the same style. I am unable to confirm this.

The reason I was thinking it was not the case, is that the normal TEB submit button only has Style and Options tabs associated with it in the properties panel. Whereas the converted button:


  • Had an additional Actions tab in the properties panel
  • Was not linked to the TEB


I don't think we'll get to the bottom of it until it happens again. Thanks very much for your help and taking the time to reply! much appreciated.





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May 19, 2021 May 19, 2021

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I know, there is a lot to learn about Captivate, but that is inherent to any powerful application.

The difference between the Submit button (for a TEB or on a quiz slide) and normal buttons is that they are embedded, have no individual timeline. Their actions exist, but are included in the button and cannot be customized, contrary to normal buttons. This has nothing to do with the Object Style of the button, which is purely linked to design. 

To close this thread, could you please mark one or more meaningful answers as being correct?





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