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Variable Reset with Radio buttons or checkboxes?

Explorer ,
Jan 06, 2025 Jan 06, 2025

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I'm attempting to create a quiz question with custom feedback based on this video from Paul Wilson: Adobe Captivate Custom Question Slides with Personalized Feedback for Each Answer

Everything works the first time through and I set it up so at the end there is a screen that says they got X/4 correct or incorrect.

The issue I'm running into is if they got below the passing score and need to repeat it seems like the variables won't reset? If the learner doesn't pass and then need to retake the quiz I have a 'exit slide' variable to reset the score variable to zero. It's set up for each correct answer is 1 point and an incorrect answer is 0 points. But when I test this in preview the variable never resets to zero when I try to go back and take the quiz.

My best guess for why this is occuring is that the variables are linked to the radio buttons and there isn't a way to reset the radio button. This is the only explanation I can come up with. 

Can anyone think of another way to reset this variable? Or confirm/deny that radio buttons or checkboxes can be reset in any way like states are?







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