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Can I cause a Submit button to reveal another button in addition to its normal behavior?

New Here ,
Oct 07, 2020 Oct 07, 2020

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I am very new to Captivate. I'm working on my 2nd project. It's a pretty simple project.


The internal customer wants several youtube videos where each video is followed by a few questions.


The requirements for the slides are:

  • Video has no player controls (once started, it must complete).
  • Questions are only Knowledge Check style questions (no scoring, ever).
  • User must answer questions before continuing
  • Reinforcing text is displayed based on selecting the right or wrong answer.
  • After the reinforcing text is displayed, user can move forward to next slide (more questions or another video).
  • Must be responsive


My results so far:

  • Fluid boxes seem to be working for responsiveness.
  • I have video part working (Next button appears at the end of the timeline).
  • I used Knowledge Check slides to create the question slides.
  • I have reinforcing text appearing correctly based on the answer, using the built-in Submit abilities (Correct answer and Failure Message) .
  • I'm stuck after the Submit button. The default behavior is that the user is supposed to 'click anywhere or press y'. This works sometimes, sometimes it doesn't. If I click randomly, eventually it will move forward. Occasionally, the 'Y' will move forward.
  • To get around the above inconsistency I thought maybe I'd reveal a 'Next' or 'Continue' button when the Submit is pressed. But I still want the Submit to do it's correct/incorrect behavior that is built-in. I can't find a way to alter the Submit button. Actions seem to be available to other buttons, but not the Submit button.


How do I enable another button based on the Sumit button being pressed. I can't find that anywhere in properties.


Am I missing something obvious?

Editing , Getting started






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Community Expert ,
Oct 07, 2020 Oct 07, 2020

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If the two-step Submit process is not working as expected, you may have deleted some embedded objects on the quiz slides. A quiz slide is not like a content slide, lot of functionality is built in those embedded objects. They do not have an individual timeline as you can see both on the quizzing master slides and on the Knowledge Check slides which are using those master slides.

I have written many blogs about quizzing, and tweaking quizzes. But in your case it looks like the normal workflow should be fine. Please answer my question about deleting Embedded objects.

Here two links to posts that may clarify:




And about the setup for quiz slides in a Fluid Boxes project:









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New Here ,
Oct 08, 2020 Oct 08, 2020

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Thank you for the response. I must say, I don't understand how I can delete objects I can't see. 


But, since I don't understand Captivate anyway, I will start from scratch and try to be very careful to ensure no steps could delete something I can't see. I will keep it as simple as I can and respond here whether or not the "...click anywhere or press y..." feature works consistently.






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Community Expert ,
Oct 08, 2020 Oct 08, 2020

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Embedded doesn't mean that you cannot delete them. You could have selected the object and delete it. Embedded means that it doesn't have an individual timeline, no ID. That was explained in the blog for which I gave you a link.





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New Here ,
Oct 08, 2020 Oct 08, 2020

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Thank you for the reply.


If you are saying that I can see the embedded objects, then yes I can imagine that they could be deleted. However, I can assure you that only I deleted objects created by me, objects that I can see.


If embedded objects are invisible to me then, again, I don't understand how I could delete them. How could I select an invisible object for deletion? Are you possibly saying that there are invisible embedded objects that I can select inadvertantly for deletion? I will try my best not to do that either.


I will be careful to watch for objects that are not created by me.







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Community Expert ,
Oct 08, 2020 Oct 08, 2020

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Do you understand English? I NEVER said that an embedded object is invisible. You do see the Submit button, you do see the Question Text, the Answer Texts which are all embedded. They do not have an individual timeline, they do not have an individual name. But you can delete them and that is what you never should do.

If you want me to translate in another language, just tell me.





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New Here ,
Oct 08, 2020 Oct 08, 2020

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Wow, you seem very upset. The use of CAPITALS to defend your text seems to be unnecessarily defensive. Or maybe your Caps-Lock was stuck momentarily. Either way is okay.


People often say things impartially when trying to impart wisdom.  Because of that, I offered two possible interpretations of your text because I was not clear what you meant. Two paragraphs for two interpretations. Are you struggling to understand my English? I can provide a translation into the language of your choice if you feel that would help.


Thank you for trying to be helpful. I'm certain your knowledge of Captivate is extensive. But if the help will always come from you with strident reactions then I'm happy waiting for help from someone else.





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New Here ,
Oct 08, 2020 Oct 08, 2020

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I can report back that I tried building it again from scratch. The embedded objects you mention have never been deleted. I left the objects in place as I needed them for the functionality to work.


After building them again from scratch, the platform is working as expected. It is no longer requiring multiple random clicks to get the slide to continue. Since I never deleted the embedded objects you mentioned I cannot say why it was misbehaving the first time.


In any case it seems to be working now.







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