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Master slide buttons not showing on all sub slides

Explorer ,
Jan 20, 2021 Jan 20, 2021

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Guessing this is a carbon based error but - I have a Master Slide with next and back buttons which for some reason show on some of the other Master Slides but not all of them. Would love some suggestions. 






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jan 21, 2021 Jan 21, 2021

Now I know what I am looking at. I don't understand what you mean by 'I know the Master Slide Objects on Top is NOT checked because if I do the text goes away per the next screen'. 

My bad, should have insisted to see the Timeline everywhere. How you define the background in the Master slides is not clear to me.  Is the light blue color of the Main master slide the Fill of that master slide, or is that a blue shape on top of the background? Better to use a Fill Solid color.

Since you probably cr




Community Expert ,
Jan 20, 2021 Jan 20, 2021

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Not sure to understand. Are you talking about buttons on the Main master slide? They are not automatically inherited by the daughter master slides. It is necessary to have this checked:


If you are talking about buttons not showing up on slides based on a particular master slide, they may be covered by objects on that slide. It is important to check the opion 'master slide objects on top'.





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Explorer ,
Jan 21, 2021 Jan 21, 2021

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Your assumption turns out to be correct - I thought this was the case yesterday but couldn't quite prove it.

Yes, there are objects on the pages where the buttons don't show, but those pages also have the Show Main Master Slide Objects selected and it's still not  working. I'll include examples.

I've tried using the Arrange option to send objects backwards and fowards but that hasnt helped.


Thank you for your response and any forthcoming assistance is appreciated.

Block Image No Nav.jpgBlock Removed.jpg






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Community Expert ,
Jan 21, 2021 Jan 21, 2021

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You show two screenshots, but without explanation. Are those the Main master slide and one of the daughter master slides? Which objects do you want to inherit? The two placeholders with text? Both have a different background, which cannot be considered to be an object. 





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Explorer ,
Jan 21, 2021 Jan 21, 2021

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Thank you for the response. Yes the Next and Back buttons are what I would like to see on all pages.


The first image with the sort of dark Aqua block where the Caption text will go is where those items don't show despite the check mark on Show Main Slide Ojects.


The next image is the same slide once the block is deleted. As I mentioned I have tried using Arrange to set the image all the way to the back or the buttons all the way to the front with nothing working.


Next thoughts? And thank you for the help. 





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Community Expert ,
Jan 21, 2021 Jan 21, 2021

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Terminology!!!! Do I understand correctly that those screenshots are not master slides but normal slides? Did you check the option 'Master Slide Objects On Top'?






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Explorer ,
Jan 21, 2021 Jan 21, 2021

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LOL - Okay, from the top.

First image is the Master Slide with the two elements I want to use/carry over


Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 11.11.49 AM.png


This next screen is a daughter of the master I named Index Page

Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 11.12.06 AM.png


Image 3 is filmstrip view of basically the Master Slide (will be a Splash page ultimately)

Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 11.12.44 AM.png



Below is the film strip version of the Index Page - I know the Master Slide Objects on Top is NOT checked because if I do the text goes away per the next screen

Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 11.13.13 AM.png


Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 11.21.15 AM.png

I have tried using the Arrange option to see if that would help but no success so far.


Hope this helps. Continued gratitude.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 21, 2021 Jan 21, 2021

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Now I know what I am looking at. I don't understand what you mean by 'I know the Master Slide Objects on Top is NOT checked because if I do the text goes away per the next screen'. 

My bad, should have insisted to see the Timeline everywhere. How you define the background in the Master slides is not clear to me.  Is the light blue color of the Main master slide the Fill of that master slide, or is that a blue shape on top of the background? Better to use a Fill Solid color.

Since you probably created a shape for the dark blue color on the daughter master slide, it will cover up the buttons from the main master slide. Two ways to avoid that: do not use buttons on the Main master slide or replace the individual shapes (dark blue) by filling the daughter master slide with a gradient:


The screenshot was for a gradient which is not perfect. I wonder when we will be able to import a gradient (using CC Libraries) from Photoshop or Illustrator where the creation is much easier.

I see that you have several master slide with alternating colors. I really would prefer in that case to use buttons on each daughter master slide, instead of on the Main master slide, if you cannot keep the area for the buttons empty on the daughter master slides. After all you don't need a back button on the first slide, nor a Next button on the last slide. 





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Explorer ,
Jan 21, 2021 Jan 21, 2021

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First - thank you so much for all the time you've shared on this. What I want most when it comes to Captivate is to have firm grasp of production/process and you've helped a lot with that.


Second - I think your idea of buttons for each daughter > master is great and that's what I'm going to do.


Ultimately I went back in and switched some stuff up to get what I was looking for.

I changed the color of the title place holder to the light blue which is the main theme back ground.


Then, for that daughter > master I changed the background to custom and selected the same color of the now deleted object. Seems to have worked. Going to revisit this after lunch to incorporate the idea of buttons on all masters. Thank oyou again.


Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 11.59.20 AM.png





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Community Expert ,
Jan 21, 2021 Jan 21, 2021

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I am always happy when users start by creating a good custom theme, which is the best way to act but is neglected by most.  In any theme master slides are an important component. And I hope that you are also defining Object styles (mostly in collaboration with designing master slides) using Theme Colors and Theme fonts. Be sure to save the theme once you are finished using the Theme menu.


This was a non-responsive project. Just a last tip: if you ever have to do the same for a FluidBoxes responsive project, know that the Main master slide is just useless....







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Explorer ,
Jan 22, 2021 Jan 22, 2021

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Thank you so much for this and my apologies for the slow response. Looks like I've found a like-minded creator type LOL.


I have been a creative working in a Tech environment for, well, way too long lol. So I'm totally onboard with your ideas about creating a solid theme from the ground up and the use of Object Styles. Being relatively new to Captivate it's finding and tweaking the little details that make it all come together.

I'm actually working on something of a process doc starting with storyboarding everything, associating the desired slides etc. We'll see how that goes!

Thank you very much for your help. I have a feeling this won't be our last communique.







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Community Expert ,
Jan 22, 2021 Jan 22, 2021

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Hi Tony, you got me smiling. I preferred Framemaker largely over InDesign in the past.


Sorry about the Terminology issues... is very confusing in Captivate and my years of pleading to have an official Glossary never have been heard. 


Since you don't require only videos (as many tell) :

, maybe the list with blogs about Themes which you can find in this article could be interesting


Theme Resources - eLearning (adobe.com)





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