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Multi-State or Advance Action

Community Beginner ,
Aug 13, 2020 Aug 13, 2020

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Hi, I am new to captivate. I created a slide where the user will click to reveal additional information. To do this, I created a multi-state object. My issue is I'm trying to have the user exit the additional infomration and to reveal the main slide. I tried creating a button within the State view but i could not set an action. I'm guessing its because I can set multiple actions on a state view. I've looked up how to set varibales, set advanced actions (this seems a bit more complex than what i need to occur) but at this point I'm not really sure what to do or how. I hope this makes sense, I added some images below. I may be overthinking this and there may be an easier method. Can anyone assist? Thank you






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Advisor ,
Aug 13, 2020 Aug 13, 2020

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Do you have multiple states of "additional information"  or  just the one panel?

If just one panel - you might create an additional state that is blank.

Then have the button simply "Go to Next State"

It will have an effect of toggling on and off.





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 13, 2020 Aug 13, 2020

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It is just one panel. I will try this. Thank you so much! 





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Community Expert ,
Aug 13, 2020 Aug 13, 2020

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You cannot have an interactive button in a state.

Use an empty Normal state. You can always change to that State if you want any information to be hidden.


Do you want a 'close' button imitation on the states? Have a trick for that...maybe too simple. 

  • Insert a X character in the Normal state. Convert it to a hyperlink with tha action 'Change State to Normal' for the multistate object.
  • Make that X character invisible by giving it the color of the 'empty' background of the Normal state.
  • Duplicate the state, make the X visible by editing the color and add the necessary information
  • Repeat that duplication and editing for each necessary state.

You now can trigger the 'Change State' with each of the buttons. If they may be in sequence, you can use Go to Next state, but you didn't specify if sequences is imposed. Each state will have its 'close' hyperlink


For the easiest way for a Click/reveal action:







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Community Beginner ,
Aug 13, 2020 Aug 13, 2020

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Yes, I like the idea of putting a close button. I'm going to try your trick. Thank you so much. I will let you know how this works. I will check out the articles as well. 





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 13, 2020 Aug 13, 2020

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Well looks like i'm still confused. 😞 I tried reading the articles and following your guidance. On the slide i created the x and made it transparent to the background. I think i get confused here. So when i click state view on the "x" i created a custom state and i'm basically duplicating the information that's on the slide? The other thing i did with the additional info state view, is added a visible x on there. But Im having trouble with setting the action for the exit. Should the action be on the "x" state view or the "additional info" state view. I know I'm making this harder than it is but my brain is just not grasping it. 





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Community Expert ,
Aug 13, 2020 Aug 13, 2020

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A multistte object, will label it 'Multi'  has not everything what is on the slide, just what you put in it. I told to make the Normal state (which is visible on the stage) empty. You can use a smart shape, with a Opacity for Fill = 0 and without a stroke. Add the character X.in this duplicate state by editing its color. Add whatever you need to that state; text, graphics...

You will need a button or multiple buttons to reveal the information. That button will trigger the action 'Change state of Multi to AAAA', depending on the button, one for each duplicate state.

What will happen is:

  • Learner clicks button A, the action will shhow the state AAA. It is a custom, duplicate state, which has a visible X button.
  • When the learner has viewed the content of the state, clicking the X button will return to the Normal state, where nothing is visible.
  • Clicking another button B,  similar situation, but the action triggered will now be 'Change state of Multi to BBBB', again with a visible X button to return to the normal state.






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