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Feature Focus: Timeline improvements in Beta 3.4

Adobe Employee ,
Jul 16, 2020 Jul 16, 2020

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Beta version 3.4 introduces some helpful enhancements to working in the Timeline panel, including:

  • Merge takes
  • Different colors for take rows
  • Refined search filtering
  • Collapse or expand all takes or keyframes on a track
  • Shy and Hide Shy buttons
  • Sequence takes

See below for more information about these enhancements, and see the What's new in Beta dialog box for additional changes in the Timeline panel.



Merge takes

Combine multiple selected Lip Sync or Triggers takes into a single take bar or viseme or trigger bars with the Timeline > Merge Takes menu command. This can help to consolidate separate lip sync or triggered recordings so that they don't occupy as much vertical space in your timeline.


Different colors for take rows

In the timeline, each parameter's row of takes is colored differently, to help visually identify them.


Refined search filtering

In the Timeline panel's search filter, refine the filter criteria with additional search terms:

  • kind:value (where value = audio, puppet, scene, camera, take, keyframe)
  • shared:value (where value = name of a shared puppet that has keyframes or takes)
  • armed:true (for any armed track or behavior)

Also, you can match all entered search terms (“AND”-based operator) by separating them with a space; matching any search term (“OR”-based operator) is still supported by separating terms with a comma.


Collapse or expand all takes or keyframes on a track

Command-click (macOS) / Ctrl-click (Windows) a disclosure triangle for a behavior’s parameter in the timeline to expand or collapse all takes or all keyframes on that track. Collapsing all takes or keyframes for a track allows you to see more of your timeline's tracks and rows of takes and keyframes at one time, reducing the need to scroll vertically.


Shy and Hide Shy buttons

Quickly hide or show individual rows in the timeline by selecting the Shy button for them and then toggling the Hide Shy button next to the search filter text field. Command-click (macOS) / Ctrl-click (Windows) a Shy button to change the shy state for all rows.


Sequence takes

Arrange selected takes for a parameter sequentially in the timeline with the Timeline > Sequence Takes menu command. This is similar to the Sequence Layers command in After Effects.



(Use this Beta forum thread to discuss these Timeline panel enhancements and share your feedback with the Character Animator team and other Beta users. If you encounter a bug while using them, let us know by posting a reply here or choosing "Report a bug" from the "Provide feedback" icon in the top-right corner of the app.)





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Contributor ,
Aug 29, 2020 Aug 29, 2020

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super cool! gives us more clarity in the timeline 😻
Please add these commands in the context-menue as well when it makes sense (i.e. the merge takes command, etc.)




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Engaged ,
Aug 30, 2020 Aug 30, 2020

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Ctrl+Z (Undo) should include unshying.

Sometimes I find my self "accidentally" shy a take and want to unshy that with Ctrl+Z




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Contributor ,
Aug 30, 2020 Aug 30, 2020

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Yes, should be undoable, just as it is in AE 🙂




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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 31, 2020 Aug 31, 2020

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This has been fixed in the latest Beta (3.4 build 141), check it out!




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