about adobe charachter animator [request for keyframing]
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hi i have so problem with movement in adobe charachter animator recording system is very good for head but for other body key framing system is so good this is better idea if the body of animation return to key frame system or integrate with recording system and for head was just recording system ,
thanks for reading
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I did read your post - two times - I do not really know what your question is…? Could you try to explain more?
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In my mention if keyframing system like after effect comes to adobe charachter animator it becomes so cool (transforming puppets is so hard in record system )
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not sure if I understand your question, but I will still try to answer it:
While there is a very good way to import the face tracking of After Effects (AE) into Character Animator (ChAn), it is not really necessary, because you can really do everything in ChAn now…
Hope this helps.
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Try this video: Making Your First Character (Adobe Character Animator Tutorial) - YouTube
It has ​everything ​you need to know in the beginning…
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this is not a question this is a request to update adobe charachter animator in future this is a request to adding key frame system in chrachter animator like after effect ,like cinema4d and so on i have a lot of problem in transforming charachter in adobe charachter animator, transforming right the puppet ,transforming left, scaling,and so on if returning keyframing system in charachter animator specially transforming puppet thats so cool and easy to use
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Thanks for the suggestion! Keyframing has a lot of benefits and we realize that performance capture isn't the best for every type of animation. You might see something like this pop up in a future version - thanks!
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I see that oksamurai has read your post, but you might want to also enter the request here:
Feature Request/Bug Report Form
That way, if some progress is made on the feature you will get notified. Also, people are allowed to vote for your request.
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Thanks for your reply and I have another quesion when new version of charachter animator with this feature(adding keyframing) publish ? Thanks if this quesion reply
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There is no announced date yet, but keyframing for certain things is something we are considering for future releases.