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Advanced Puppet Please Help

Community Beginner ,
Sep 02, 2020 Sep 02, 2020

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Hello All,


I’ve created this “Splash” character I will use in an onboarding video. I’ve followed all of Dave Werner’s rigging and animation videos and am currently using Beta for limbIK, however I am still having a couple issues I really need help to figure out.


  1. I have duel mouths (happy/sad) and the sad mouth will trigger but not its visemes (sad mouth won’t talk/lip sync).
  2. When I’m in record mode and use my triggers, some of my art work doesn’t seem to match up (for example, the different eye lids).
  3. LimbIK seems to only work in one profile, not the others.
  4. Walk Cycle is acting up, why does it disfigure my puppet and why does the head bounce so much?
  5. Why do my behavior triggers only work in the profile it was recorded in?


Link to Puppet:



If anyone has any advice, I wouldn’t be able to thank you enough!





Bugs , How to , Puppet movement , Rigging , Tips and tricks






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Sep 08, 2020 Sep 08, 2020

Update: I have fixed most of my problems with the help of oksamurai. In case anyone needs it, here are my fixes.


1. I had a group called mouths with two groups inside, 'happy mouth' and 'sad mouth.' I created a swap set of the mouth group and it would indeed switch mouths but the sad mouth wouldn't work, not even after tagging it as a mouth. The fix: Keep happy mouth and sad mouth as seperate groups without the umbrella 'mouth' group. I chose to name my groups 'Mouth Happy' and 'Mouth sad,' beca




Community Beginner ,
Sep 08, 2020 Sep 08, 2020

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Update: I have fixed most of my problems with the help of oksamurai. In case anyone needs it, here are my fixes.


1. I had a group called mouths with two groups inside, 'happy mouth' and 'sad mouth.' I created a swap set of the mouth group and it would indeed switch mouths but the sad mouth wouldn't work, not even after tagging it as a mouth. The fix: Keep happy mouth and sad mouth as seperate groups without the umbrella 'mouth' group. I chose to name my groups 'Mouth Happy' and 'Mouth sad,' because 'mouth' was first, Ch auto tagged all of my mouths for me. If it doesn't do that for you, no biggy, tag each as a mouth. I then manually created a swap set and put each mouth in there. Works perfectly.


2. First, check that your art work in Ai or Ps is aligned, there was one instance where I pasted but didn't move it into place. Howver, the true tip here that helped was to turn down all of the paralax features to zero. Solved.


3. If Limb IK does not work in each profile after you've added it to the master level, you can add the behavior to those profiles individually to brute force it to work. Solved.


4. My solve here was so simple, I feel silly. Turn down the strength of the effect to remove the crazy jumping and bouncing. If it tones down another movement, such as arm movement, too much you can then increase arm swing to counter that, for example. Solved


5. No fix. I learned to live with it.


Hope this helps!





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