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Hey there. So first of all, thank you for posting that screen recording, that really helps. Second, I feel your frustration. When this kind of stuff doesn't work it can be confusing and exhausing.
Have you tried just turning on the top-level alt group? If the group is off in the Rig mode then I don't believe it's going to show up in Record mode. If you need to trigger entirely different sets of mouths you'll have to use the trigger like you already are, but imagine that the trigger is working and you are actually toggling the alt mouth group. If its top-level visibilty is off then you're triggering an invisible group.
If this isn't the solution let me know and we'll keep troubleshooting.
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Hello! Thank you for responding! Do you mean the "viewing eyeball" for the mouth group? It seems I can only have one visible. Which is how the puppet works in "Dave." Dave is alose the puppet I got the mouth groups from. I also have my default as Sad since the Serpent is grumpy most of the time. I have tried just using the Happy mouth without any other groups and it seems I still don't get visemes to work. Just the neutral mouth. I also just tested it out all on Chloe and I got the mouth swap to work really fast. Will I need to reimport mouth groups in photoshop? Thank you again
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Ah, I missed that the default and alt mouths were on the same latched trigger. You shouldn't have to reimport anything from Photoshop. Do you mind exporting the .puppet and uploading it here?
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Can you bring this up in the properties panel? I clicked on the puppet root, found the Lip Sync behavior, then expanded this section. For my puppet, see how all the numbers are "1" (and some "0"). With your different emotions, you should see the count equal to the number of emotions.
If you expand one, you should see the path to the layer for the viseme. Is it showing the path per emotion choice? Here is example of it posted with only one mouth set.
If it is not finding them all, you may need some more Mouth tags or similar. One thing to try is to add a Lip Sync behavior per mouth set.
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Oh, I found a puppet with multiple layers (7 in this case).
This might not be the problem - its just a good first step. Next is can you include a screenshot of the rigging hierarhcy. Please expand the alternate mouths hierarchy so can see that. Just wondering if a trigger issue instead, but that is a bit hard to see from the video you supplied.
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Hello! Thank so much for being so attentive. I tried to upload the puppet and all the files but google drive isn't treated friendly in Korea and uploads get capped and usually fail. I'll try again soon. I have made lip sync behavior and all the numbers are 0 for every mouth shape in the mouth group. I also can't adjust the number.
However, I did end up using chloe's puppet layout and replacing everything in there and then retagging everything back in CA. I've been fiddling with this for so long so much I was able to be back where I was within 15 minutes. But I think it has to do with the PSD file, which was imported from ae. I'll try to upload everything cause I'm very curious why this is happening.
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Those zeros are for diagnostic purposes - it shows that the behavior did not find the layers (for whatever reason) rather than it found the layers and did not use them correctly.
Since it is zero, for example, the problem is not that it found a different set of layers and use them by mistake - it just did not find any layers.
Assuming the behavior is high enough above the mouth to find it, what I would do next is start from the mouth layer. If that is zero as well, then it will not find the mouth positions. I would check that layer has the "Mouth" tag on it. CH uses tags, not layer names, to find things. It just auto-tags layers for you when the artwork is imported the first time (and when you add new layers I think). So if you accidentally removed the Mouth tag, everything would stop working like you describe.
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Hello, thank you for the reply. I ended up replacing the RG montser photo file with the Snake and it worked out fine. I'll be doing that from now on. Thank you again for the communication. You guys are great!