Are These... Groups and Layers?

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I'm starting working with Ch... making basic Face in Ps. Only creating Head an Eyes at the moment, so I can see how the intergration between Ps and Ch works and how Ch works with just the eyes.. Hopefully I'll get a better understanding of how Ch works this way and before I add further parts of the face.
I have a question;
In one of Dave's tutorials he mentions using the Tags in Ch as a cheat sheet for the Ps Layer and Group Names.. Good Idea!
I checked this out, but I noticed that they were different colours... I think this denotes Groups and Layers, but not sure.... I thought the Green could be Groups and the Blue Layers.... but then I saw... Mouth Group!? So can someone tell me what the colours refer too?
If they are Groups and Layers... a future idea could be having them as nested Groups and Layers to mimic the actual Layers Panel in Ch? This would help with forming a connection between the two? If that makes sense!?
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See "applying tags to a handle" at the bottom here:
Adobe Character Animator Help | Editing Puppet Structure
The difference is layers (artwork/groups/etc) and handles (data/information). Not something you really need to worry about that much to be honest!

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I've stopped worrying already!
Printed off, Editing Puppet Structure... should help me sleep!
Cheers Dave