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So I noticed two problems I have been having with the auto blink behavior if anyone can help me out.
1st, no matter what setting I use for Blinks per Minute, Blink Duration, and Randomness, the puppet will sometimes double blink instead of blinking once. It makes the animation look like there's a mistake. Has anyone else encountered this issue and solved it?
2nd, when I use the Auto Blink behavior, the puppet's eyes will remain closed until it starts talking or moving. So like if I have the puppet just standing there for 5 seconds before it does anything both eyes will remain shut for the 5 seconds until it does something. I know it's the Auto Blink behavior causing this because when I turn it off its eyes will open in the beginning. Is there a solution to this?
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Hi Hybrida,
Yup I have the same issues from time to time. It was so bad on one of my puppets that I had to resord to face recognition blinks. I look forward to someones answer . . . I don't have one.
Be well fellow puppeteer - Platty