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I think I get the process of rigging.... in it's simplest form... it's building the skeleton on which the body moves... so without the rigging the character doesn't move.
I take it that in Ch... the rigging is mostly to do with movements with the face? The other part of rigging would relate to bones in the body!?
However, I'm at a bit of a loss to auto-rigging?
I read this: You can start by auto-rigging in Photoshop.... does this just mean name the layers so that Ch recognizes them?
It states that you can either assemble a puppet from individual layers via, Puppet Panel in Ch, or by auto-rigging in Ps... I think this just relates to how Layers are named!?
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Yes. If you name the layers the exact same as the tags you see in the "Tags" panel in CH, they will be automatically tagged that way upon import.

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Hi Dave.. I guessed you'd be the one with the answers!
It was trying to read and understand the, User Guide... Prepare Artwork Auto-Rigging!
Just got on to, SubPuppets and Groups...
Is this English?
The structure in the artwork file determines the initial structure of the puppet. Groups in a Photoshop document and layers, sublayers, and groups in an Illustrator document all create subpuppets, which are puppets themselves just instanced in another puppet. The contents of these groups are usually groups, individual pieces with their sibling groups and subpuppets are part of the warpable mesh inside their parent puppet. However, you can allow a subpuppet or a group to warp independently so its warping is not affected by its parent puppet. You can also specify a custom point for a subpuppet to attach to its parent.
I'm sure the person who wrote it knew what he was talking about!?
I haven't got a clue.... by this time next year... maybe!?
You didn't write it, did you?
PS: Your videos are very good! Suggestion... Could you do one on, a walk-through of the Ch interface... giving us an insight into the layout, the menus and options. Sometimes I watch and I'm at a bit of a loss to where you are!? Not a criticism, just me being slow and methodical!
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That's a great idea - I'll do that in a future tutorial or tips episode (full app walkthrough).
Yeah, help docs can get difficult to parse sometimes - I stick to the videos.

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Your Tips and Tricks series are very good!
Could you break the walk-through down into sizeable chunks... the interface, the Puppet panel, the Scene panel and so on, so you can do a more in depth piece... I just find I'm like a demented cat chasing a light spot on the floor... if you know what I mean!? Bite size and focused! Please!?
Many thanks!
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Could you do one on, a walk-through of the Ch interface... giving us an insight into the layout, the menus and options.
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