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Editing and relinking the psd file messes up the whole project

New Here ,
Feb 09, 2024 Feb 09, 2024

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I find myself in a very bad ch situation, and I'm crossing fingers as hard as I can.

A music video I'm making is supposed to be delivered tomorrow, but of course problems have perfect timing:

I'm about to render the final animations from Ch, to relink them in the already finalized AE comps that are already assembled in PR.
Basically the video is done, BUT the last step is relinking the psd files in Ch for the characters, as I've polished the design of them all on different files. I've been keeping the same identical layer structure, as before editing I've turned every layer into smart objects, in order to edit them in a non destructive way. (did the same for the backgrounds in AE, and worked like a charm).
Apart for some behaviours and independence, mayhem occured, and basically all the animations have to be done again, for the whole 4 minutes long music video, so I really hope to find a solution :'D

I've tried rasterizing, I've tried relinking and apply changes gradually, I've tried triplechecking the files, and I also tried not to panic, but that's not going very well so far. 

I really hope to stumble upon an happy ending to this situation, and wish problem free renders to everyone.

Bugs , Dynamic link , How to , Puppet movement , Rigging






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