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Error in Ch version - getRawEventGraphValuesFromTimeSpan

New Here ,
Nov 19, 2022 Nov 19, 2022

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Today I returned to a chproj file I had not editied for a few weeks. I removed all audio files as intended to replace. I could have deleted something aside from audio but Im not sure.

When I did replace the first few seconds of audio, and did a compute lip sync, it worked but it seemed all the triggers and positions were forgotten. Then when I try to click around or go to different sections to see if any triggers are working, the error in the screenshot pops up every time. The text of the error is below.


This happened first on my macbook air m1. I tried running the same file on a decent PC that has worked for this program before. I got the same result on both machines.


Error text from screenshot:


Error in Ch version 23.0x52
Error: getRawEventGraphValuesFromTimeSpan not implemented for global evaluation
Error code: (engine.is:1192)

Bugs , Freeze or hang






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