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Face turns: moving face layers to "+Frontal" breaks face for PS puppet

Explorer ,
Jan 27, 2021 Jan 27, 2021

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I was following the YT video on how to do head turns (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1wbw6-7zM4&t=169s) and I got stuck when the face became all messed up when I move some layers into a new group called +Frontal as per the video.


I uploaded a copy of the working puppet here: https://ln2.sync.com/dl/dcfa23190/2xk8c7ji-nb2tfy7i-hbugi588-nes47u6g as we can't upload puppet files here.


The original puppet works as intended and there are no rigging issues.

As soon as I try to move face layers into "+Frontal", everything becomes messed up.


I think the reason for this is that in AI, you create a layer which gathers other layers, whereas in PS, you create a folder (new group) that messes up the puppet structure.


So I tried a lot of combinations with AI and PS creating a new +Frontal folder.


Original "blank" using the AI file = no issue

Original "blank" using the PS file = broken face

"mypuppet", based on "blank", in PS format = same broken face


Any point in the right direction would be really welcome, thanks in advance.


Bugs , How to , Rigging






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Explorer ,
Jan 28, 2021 Jan 28, 2021

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1. Checking that the pupil was independent (Little crown) removed the wrapping effect

2. The Sad Mouth (top level) lost its "Mouth" tag, creating a lot of rigging issues

3. There were further issues with the eyes, as I was using a masking layer to only display the pupils


Long story short. If you use PS and try to move one view into a new folder to create face turns, some elements will lose their tags, some will lose their independence, and the masks need to be redefined






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Community Expert ,
Jan 29, 2021 Jan 29, 2021

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I converted Japanese to English with translation software.

After building a rig with a character animator
If you change the puppet layer in the original Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator, you will lose track of the first tag you added.
I also experienced it.

The current workaround I think is

1) Do not change the layer structure later.
2) Add a folder with a Adobe Character Animator without adding a layer on Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator side.
MENU Puppet → Group layers( command G)

I'm glad if you can use it as a reference.
Thank you.





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Explorer ,
Jan 29, 2021 Jan 29, 2021

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Thanks for the tip k_oshiro


I opened my 2 instances of my puppet on 2 computers simultaneously and I verified what you said: the tags, or more precisely the independent tag (+) disappeared.


Because I used a mask to keep the pupil inside the eye, things got out of control. The pupil however seems to ignore my mask, and the only way to keep it inside the eye is to change the Camera Strength to 0%, where on the original puppet, the eyes were moving as expected with 75%. 



In rigging, it looks fine, but in reality the pupil is able to move outside the boundaries set by the mask making it disappear.


Here is a new version of the puppet where I managed to put everything inside +Frontal, and fixed the independence, but I can't find a way to fix the pupil. And trust me I tried.



I will try another time with your trick and see if it works better for me.


Thanks again






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