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Fixed Arm Detached... And Origin Concerns (Video Included)

Community Beginner ,
May 23, 2020 May 23, 2020

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Hey Everyone,

So here is my video test with a new character.



The right arm has a fixed pin but is still kind of wonky to say the least. I can't get it to actually strum across the guitar when I'm recording.

I'm also wondering if this could be related to origin point?

Attached is the image of where the origin point currently is but I have no idea where to correct this. I can see the location in rig but nothing I've done can move it. When I record I have to move X to something like 2500 to get the character in the recording window.
I'm doing some digging here but have hit the wall today.

If this is a good place to feature request I'd love to see something pop up in rigging issues that say "Hey, you're doing good but you are way off center, etc"

Bugs , Camera , How to , Puppet movement , Rigging






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