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Hi, i am making a live class by using photoshop and charater animator and i am having some difficulties trying ti figure out something.As you can see in the pictures i attached when i select the scene called emotions i change it by using a swap set trigger which is 2 but when a select finn the fish the emotion trigger returns to it default swap set i tried seperating them by using normal triggers for the emotions but when i select finn they disappear.I know i can set the background(emotions) as sepearte psd files but i want them to be in one psd file beacuse im going the extend it and i dont want to have to many psd files .I tried my best to explain the situation i hope you understand what im trying to say thank you
Translated from Japanese to English using translation software.Selecting a puppet while holding down the Shift key activates two puppets at the same time. Wouldn't that work?
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Translated from Japanese to English using translation software.Selecting a puppet while holding down the Shift key activates two puppets at the same time. Wouldn't that work?
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Thank You very much i was stuck here