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I have been using a video which I have camera tracked in After effects and copied face measurements and pasted into Character Animator, all is working fine until I set up different head positions and set up the head turner behaviour. Now when playing through my scene, everything still moves fine but there doesn't appear to be any head turning happening, even though it clearly happens in the video. There is also no sign of Head turner in the timeline or a way to add it. Am I missing something here, is there an extra step I have missed?
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Hi Daniel.
Make sure that your heads profiles are tagged right (frontal, right and left sides) and that the head turner behavior sensitivity is not set to 0.
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I assume you added the head turner behavior. The other thing to check is all the tagging is set up in each head turn sub-layer tree.
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Hi,Thanks for you replies, I'm pretty sure I have my behaviour and head set up properly as it works for me in the live webcam mode, the issue I am having is when I paste in face measurements from face tracked footage in after effects it does not appear to bring in any head turning movement, but everything else works fine, i.e eyes, head movement etc, just no head turn. Is this something that doesn't properly get translated from after effects or is there an extra step I need to take?
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In AE, are you using the Detailed mode for the Face tracking? If so, can you share that data? After you click Extract Face Measurements, just copy the data that's on the system clipboard into a text editor (Notepad or TextEdit), then save as a .txt file. Having a copy of the puppet (File > Export > Puppet) or at least a screenshot showing where Head Turner is applied in the puppet hierarchy in the Puppet panel would be helpful.
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Unfortunately, there is no real fix for head turning issues. It appears to be totally random whether or not it works. I have set up head turning in every way imaginable and it only works when it feels like it. Sometimes a project will begin working when I go bacvk to it. Other times it works straight away but then suddenly stop. It really is the most frustrating thing in the whole of the Adobe Creative Cloud.